It is over, folks. Uber gets its self-driving cars from Volvo, which is owned by Volvo. Pedestrians do not have to cross in sidewalks, but cyclists have dehumanized pedestrians, so they are now seen as road hazards instead of humans.
If a self-driving car hits you and kills you, the driver is blameless, no matter what. He was not in charge of the car.
Your life no longer has any value.
We are China.
America is failed.
And if you manage to survive the responsibility free self driving cars from China, you will not survive the electric bicycles with no license plates , no registration and no requirement that the electric motorcycle drivers even have a driver's license.
Welcome to MAD MAX.
We have the Chinese changing our infrastructure and our transportation. Expect more falling "pedestrian bridges" that are really cyclist bridges and more pedestrians blamed for being killed by Chinese self driving cars.