Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:14 a.m. No.7274054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4083

BREAKING: Biden THROWS Obama Under The BUS


No wonder Obama didn’t endorse Joe for his 2020 run…


Joe Biden said the White House under President Barack Obama, when Biden was vice president, did not do enough to address the concerns of white working-class voters in the Rust Belt.


“A lot of people were left behind,” the 2020 Democratic candidate told the New York Times when discussing the post-recession economic recovery. “In areas where people were hard hit, I don’t think we paid enough attention to their plight.”


Biden, 76, tried chalking up the disillusionment of white former Democratic voters to a messaging problem, saying Obama told him he didn’t want to take “a victory lap [because] we have so much more to do,” despite pleas the White House “explain to people how we got to where we were now and why it happened.”


In August 2016, Biden told The Atlantic one of the chief appeals of Trump was his ability to speak with the average American and the economically disadvantaged .


“I was doing the interview on Morning Joe, and they asked the same question. And I said, ‘Look, the truth is we just haven’t paid enough attention to these people. We haven’t spoken to them.” And everybody went nuts going, ‘Aw Jesus! Hillary is going to think that’s an attack.’


“But I asked my team what did Hillary just say in her speech? She said we’re not paying enough attention — and the phrase I used that really upset them — I said, ‘We’re not showing them enough respect.’ And she also said we’re not showing enough respect.


“The truth is we are not showing enough respect. There is a new breed of Democrat that is represented by our administration, in my view, and the smart guys, the guys and gals who are Harvard, Yale, Penn graduates; the very, very well-informed, well-educated, elites of the party.


“They are the new version, if they don’t watch it, of the limousine liberals when I was coming up in the ’60s. Because at its core there’s a disconnect with some really, really, really smart, good, decent people who are with us and part of the larger Democratic younger elite, the millennial elite who don’t understand the middle class anymore.”


A month later, Clinton made remarks at a New York fundraiser that some came to see as a key factor in her defeat in November. “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” she said.


“The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”


She added that the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and were “desperate for change” in America. “Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.”

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:18 a.m. No.7274072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4178 >>4388 >>4744 >>4790

New York child sex-abuse victims demand release of ‘secret files’ on pedophile priests


Child sex-abuse victims are calling on the New York Attorney General’s office to release the Catholic Church’s “secret files” on predatory priests, The Post has learned.


On the heels of a bombshell Pennsylvania report on child-sex abuse by Catholic clergy, former New York AG Barbara Underwood launched a sweeping probe in September 2018.


Underwood subpoenaed all eight Catholic dioceses in New York state to explore whether churches “potentially covered up allegations of extensive sexual abuse of minors,” the office stated.


Last week, Manhattan-based Marsh Law Firm sent a letter to current AG Letitia James urging her office to release the “secret files.”


“Survivors have fought for the right to seek justice for decades, and deserve access to these files as soon as possible,” attorney Jennifer Freeman wrote to James.


The files would reveal how the Archdiocese handled complaints, who witnessed the abuse, and whether accused clergy were simply removed or transferred, Freeman said.


James would not comment on the request or the ongoing investigation.


Since it launched the probe 11 months ago, the office has fielded 682 complaints of child sex-abuse by Catholic clergy, her office told The Post.


That’s not the tally of alleged victims, because some individuals complained about more than one clergyman, the office said.


Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the New York Archdiocese, said it has released the names of all priests and other clergy who “had a credible and substantiated allegation of abuse,” and all those with claims brought against them through its own compensation program.


It has also turned over all files to the state AG as well as 10 District Attorneys, Zwilling said.


Under the new Child Victims Act, claimants — no matter what their age –have one year to sue their alleged abusers starting on August 14.


A legal avalanche is expected, with most accusers now in their 50s, 60s and 70s.


Marsh Law Firm alone represents 515 alleged victims, including 167 accusing the Catholic Church, Freeman said.


Another 202 clients accuse prolific pedophile Reginald Archibald — the late pediatrician at Rockefeller University and a “pool doctor” at the Madison Square Boys Club — of abuse as children.


The rest include alleged victims of Boy Scout troops, public and private schools, foster care agencies, and other religious institutions


Another lawyer, Jeff Herman, said he has 200 alleged victims, including more than 100 against the Catholic Church. He has requested the AG’s trove of files under the Freedom of Information Law.


“If we don’t get them that way, I will issue subpoenas to all the dioceses to force them to produce these files,” Herman said.


Attorney Darren Epstein said he and partner Kevin Mulhearn will file suit against Yeshiva University for more than 40 ex-students of its high school who allege they suffered sexual abuse as boys.


Their prior $680 million federal lawsuit was dismissed in 2014 because the old statute of limitations had expired.


They also represent Mark Taylor, 52, who charges that Irwin B. Goldberg, a former teacher and dean at Adlai Stevenson HS in The Bronx, forced him into oral and anal sex starting when he was 15.


His evidence is strong. A sting conducted in 2000 by the Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools caught Goldberg on videotape referencing a prior sex act with Taylor and pulling out his penis in a school corridor in an effort to seduce him.

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.7274101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Starbuck murders (for keks maybe not): Indian coffee billionaire V.G. Siddhartha dies in suspected suicide: Body of tycoon who took on Starbucks on the subcontinent is found two days after he went missing


A billionaire Indian coffee tycoon has been found dead two days after he went missing.


V.G. Siddhartha, the founder of the Cafe Coffee Day chain which beat Starbucks at its own game in India, was last seen walking over a bridge on Monday after getting out of his car near Mangaluru. southern India.


When Siddhartha did not return, the chauffeur called police who launched a 48-hour search before a fisherman found the billionaire's body on the bank of the Netravati river.


Police are now examining whether he took his own life.


Siddhartha opened his first Cafe Coffee Day store in 1996 and went on to become one of the world's largest coffee traders.


His chain was widely recognised for bringing the coffee shop culture to India, a largely tea-loving country, with more than 1,600 stores across the country.


It has also fended off Starbucks, which was 10 years behind in entering the Indian market and has only 150 stores in the country.







'I hope that she uses the court case to tell the world how…

'Of all the women she did NOT choose the Queen!' Meghan…


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The chain also has stores in Malaysia, Egypt, Czech Republic and Austria, employing more than 30,000 people.


The tycoon was also widely seen as a savvy investor who made some prescient early investments in Indian IT firms in the 1990s, years before global firms began to bet on Indian startups.


Siddhartha married a daughter of S.M. Krishna, a former foreign minister and chief minister of Karnataka, making him one of the country's best-connected tycoons.


But his empire came under pressure after the tax authorities launched raids on company offices in several cities in 2017.


Reports said Siddhartha was in talks with Coca-Cola about selling a major stake in the company.


Police are now examining a letter, purportedly written by Siddhartha on July 27, in which the 57-year-old chairman seemingly said he had 'given up'.


The letter said Siddhartha had admitted mistakes in handling his financial affairs, and had suffered pressure from lenders and harassment from Indian tax authorities.


'My intention was never to cheat or mislead anybody, I have failed as an entrepreneur,' it read.


Coffee Day Enterprises are aware of the letter, which has circulated on social media but has not yet been verified.


Police said Siddhartha left Bangalore late on Monday, telling his family he was going to a hill resort but instead asked his driver to take him to Mangaluru.


He ordered the driver to stop the car, and started walking along a bridge before disappearing from view, and no-one had seen him alive since.


When Siddhartha did not return, the driver alerted police.


Television channels showed rescue workers in rubber boats scouring the river near the bridge where Siddhartha was last seen.


Police divers, backed by local fishermen, searched the river near Mangalaru while senior Karnataka politicians flocked to the tycoon's home.


A fisherman called Rithesh said he was part of the rescue operation and saw the body on the banks of the river today.


'I saw a body floating while I was fishing and then I informed the police,' he told local media.


'Siddhartha's body was found early this morning,' said Sasikanth Senthil, deputy commissioner of South Karnataka police.


'We have sent his body for post mortem analysis now and are awaiting results.'


The body will be handed over to the tycoon's family after legal formalities are completed, said Sandeep Patil, Mangaluru police commissioner.

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:29 a.m. No.7274123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Gov are now aware Tommy has 4 of 46 min documentaries in the can coming out (1) The rape of Britain, (2) The £26 billion drain. (3) UK 2021 Demographics' (4) 28 little girls who lost limbs. He is also doing reconstructions of both his trials using the transcripts

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:39 a.m. No.7274174   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Huawei and Google Have a Long History of Partnership: Media Report


Chinese tech giant Huawei has partnered with Google on several product development projects, according to U.S. tech news site The Information, citing several unnamed sources.


The partnership came to a screeching halt in May this year, when the U.S. Department of Commerce added Huawei and 68 affiliate companies to its “Entity List,” which means U.S. firms are banned from doing business with them, unless granted government approval.


Since May, interactions between the two companies have been limited to “meetings or calls accompanied by lawyers who ensure that any communication is in compliance with the sanctions,” according to The Information.


Prior to the U.S. sanctions, Huawei was working with Google on a new Huawei-branded smart speaker that would be unveiled at the IFA consumer electronics trade show in Berlin this September.


The speaker, powered by Google Assistant, was aimed at markets outside of China, according to The Information.


“We worked on this project with Google for a year and made a lot of progress. Then everything suddenly stopped,” said a Huawei employee who declined to be named.


The Chinese tech giant’s first smart speaker, AI Cube, released in Europe and powered by Amazon’s Alexa, was a flop, according to unnamed Huawei employees. By teaming up with Google, Huawei was seeking to become a global maker of smart speakers.


The partnership predated the smart speaker. According to The Information, Huawei sent as many as 100 of its employees to work at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California for the development of Google’s Nexus 6P smartphone in 2015.


Nexus 6P is a smartphone developed and marketed by Google and manufactured by Huawei. Printed on the phone’s back cover are the logos of Nexus and Huawei.


Huawei engineers worked side by side with their Google counterparts, designing the Nexus 6P’s display, camera, and other features.


“Google engineers are very talented in software design. We asked many questions and learned a lot,” said an unnamed Huawei engineer who worked on the Nexus 6P.


The close partnership on the Nexus 6P eventually led to more business discussions, including talks of making Huawei phones compatible with Android Auto, a mobile app that connects smartphones and cars, according to The Information, citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter.


There were also top-level exchanges between the two companies’ executives since the Nexus cooperation, according to the Information.


Since 2014, Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei’s Consumer Business Group, and Hiroshi Lockheime, a senior vice president at Google and the company’s Android chief, have “met regularly to discuss their work together.” The two held a meeting during the world’s largest mobile event, Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona this past February.


Google’s relationship with China has been under close scrutiny since last year, when media uncovered that Google was developing a censored search engine, known as Dragonfly, specifically for the China market. The move drew widespread criticism, given that the Chinese regime operates a strict censorship apparatus and has punished citizens for accessing forbidden content.


Google executive Karan Bhatia, speaking at a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on July 16, said that the Dragonfly project has been terminated, according to BBC.


On July 26, U.S. President Donald Trump took to Twitter to express his concerns about Google’s relationship with China.


“There may or may not be National Security concerns with regard to Google and their relationship with China. If there is a problem, we will find out about it. I sincerely hope there is not!!!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:44 a.m. No.7274191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4325 >>4388 >>4408 >>4626 >>4744 >>4790

Team Obama Cash Aid & Their ISIS Gold


How US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq & watched it vanish:


US Seizes $2.1 Billion ISIS Gold:


US Seizes $2.1 Billion ISIS Gold, No Bitcoin

March 2, 2019 / Bitcoin, Commodities, Crypto, News


Under cover of darkness, 50 tons of gold worth some $2.1 billion was lifted by US helicopters from the al-Baghouz area in Syria’s Deir Ezzor according to state run news agency Sana.


The gold was transported to the U.S. military base in Kobani and then left for the United States with a portion of it given to the Kurdish led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which have been fighting ISIS.


Sana claims a deal was struck which spared hundreds of ISIS field leaders and experts in return for the gold, citing unnamed local sources.


Voice of America (VoA) previously reported that “the U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), told VOA that it had confirmation from the ground that IS was holding 40 tons of gold bars in Syria.”


“This gold was stolen from the Central Bank of Mosul, from the economy in Syria that was under the control of IS, and from the selling of Syrian and Iraqi antiquities, like smuggled antiquities from Palmyra that were sold to smugglers and traders through Turkey,” Rami Abdulrahman, head of SOHR, said.


It’s unclear how many ISIS fighters were let go, with no official confirmation of this alleged deal as it stands, but SOHR previously said:


“The U.S.-led coalition forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) deliberately do not target the areas under the control of the ISIL terrorists and commanders in Eastern Euphrates in Deir el-Zour as they are trying to locate this treasure by forcing the ISIL militants to speak about its location after surrendering.”


With the treasure now seemingly located and transported out of the country, the final assault has begun with 15,000 SDF forces moving into the northeast Syrian village of Baghouz.


An evacuation of civilians was previously underway, with 50,000 mostly women and children streaming out of Baghouz since December.


An estimated 3,000 ISIS fighters are determined to fight to death according to SDF, with the last battle now unfolding.

No Bitcoins?


Previous reports have suggested that ISIS raised funds in bitcoin with Europol stating they had asked for bitcoin and Zcash donations.


Reported crypto amounts, however, have been very small with ISIS at its height making most of its revenue from clandestine oil sales or looting of newly occupied areas.


The stupendous hotness of the region would have made crypto mining very difficult, with any bitcoin coming from sparse donations due to the public nature of the blockchain.


There are suggestions some of these donations may have been used to buy hosting for ISIS affiliated websites, but most of their funds were clearly held in gold or in cash.


That gold has now been seized with it unclear whether US is to hold it or return it to Mosul. Just as it is unclear how the peace can now be won if the war is indeed over.

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:49 a.m. No.7274225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4388 >>4744 >>4790

Judge dismisses DNC hacking suit against Trump campaign


July 31 (UPI) – A U.S. federal judge dismissed a Democratic National Committee lawsuit accusing Russia, the Trump campaign, Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange and others of conspiring to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, stating its arguments were "moot or without merit."


The lawsuit accused the defendants of purposely harming the DNC during the 2016 presidential campaign through the use of information Russia stole from its computers. District Judge John Koeltl in New York said in his decision that the culprit is the Russian Federation, and the Trump campaign can't be held accountable for the effect that information had on the DNC under the First Amendment.


"The primary wrongdoer in this alleged criminal enterprise is undoubtedly the Russian Federation, the first named defendant in the case and the entity that surreptitiously and illegally hacked into the DNC's computers and thereafter disseminated the results of its theft," Koeltl said in his ruling.


However, since Russia cannot be sued in this case, the DNC pursued legal action against those who benefited from the hack, "but … the First Amendment prevents such liability in the same way it would preclude liability for press outlets that publish materials of public interest," he said.


The lawsuit also targeted Donald Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and Roger Stone, among a slew of others who were involved in President Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.


Koeltl said the Trump campaign could not be held liable for the hack or the publication of the materials based on the case presented.


The DNC did not say the Trump campaign participated in Russia's hack of its systems but that meetings held between the defendants and people connected to Moscow during the time of the hack is evidence of them conspiring to disseminate the information.


"That argument is entirely divorced from the facts actually alleged in their Second Amended complaint," he said.


In his 81-page decision, Koeltl also cited precedent in several high-profile cases including those concerned with the Pentagon Papers, stating that if Wikileaks could be held accountable for publishing the DNC's so-called secret information, so could any newspaper or media outlet.


In a two-tweet thread Tuesday, Trump called the decision "another total and complete vindication and exoneration" against accusations of his campaign collaborating with Russia during the 2016 election.


"This is really big 'stuff' especially coming from a highly respected judge who was appointed by President [Bill] Clinton," he said. "The Witch Hunt Ends!"


Wow! A federal Judge in the Southern District of N.Y. completely dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Democratic National Committee against our historic 2016 campaign for President. The Judge said the DNC case was "entirely divorced" from the facts, yet another total & complete….— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 30, 2019


The decision is another blow to the DNC, which had viewed the lawsuit that was first filed in April 2018 as a way to hold the Trump campaign accountable.


DNC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said in a statement that the committee was still reviewing the ruling.


"At first glance, this opinion raises serious concerns about our protections from foreign election interference and the theft of private property to advance the interests of our enemies," she said.

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:52 a.m. No.7274244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: [Red Cross] Spent ~~25~~95 Percent Of Haiti Donations On Internal PEDO Expenses


Red Cross officials defended the charity's work in a statement responding to the Grassley report, calling the organization's spending "entirely justifiable given the size and complexity of the Haiti program." They also noted that the Red Cross receives favorable ratings for accountability from charity watchdog groups.


Grassley, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in an interview that even after a year of back-and-forth with the Red Cross, "we did not get satisfactory answers — like pulling teeth, it was very difficult."


The Red Cross, including McGovern, repeatedly has told the public that all but 9 percent of donations spent go to humanitarian programs. But Grassley's office found that 25 percent of donations sent to Haiti — or nearly $125 million — were spent on fundraising and management, a contingency fund and the catchall category the Red Cross calls "program expenses."


The Red Cross sent the bulk of the remaining donated money to other nonprofits to do the work on the ground. Those other nonprofits then took their own cuts — as high as 11 percent — for their own expenses.


"The most important thing [from the report] is an unwillingness to level with the people exactly where the money went," Grassley says. "There's too many questions in regard to how the money was spent in Haiti … it gives me cause to wonder about other money being donated for other national disasters."


"One of the reasons that they don't want to answer questions is it's very embarrassing," Grassley adds.


In its statement, the American Red Cross notes that it has not yet seen Grassley's report, but that the organization and McGovern have been transparent, and that donors' money was properly spent. The statement also notes "the scale of the destruction and the challenging and sometimes dangerous conditions of working in Haiti."


The Red Cross, created by a congressional charter more than a century ago, receives a range of special benefits from the U.S. government.


Here are more details from the report:


The Red Cross Didn't Explain How Money Was Spent


In general, the Red Cross itself doesn't know how much money it spent on each project in Haiti because of a "complex, yet inaccurate" accounting system, the report found.


The report echoes the confidential findings of consultants hired by the Red Cross, which previously were reported by NPR and ProPublica. One internal evaluation of one of the group's water and sanitation projects found there was "no correct process for monitoring project spending." Another assessment found that the group's figures on how many people were helped by a hygiene project were "fairly meaningless."


Documents provided by the Red Cross suggest that the charity sometimes spent large sums of money on management costs even when it enlisted other organizations to run relief operations.


In 2010, the American Red Cross wrote a check for $4.3 million to its sister organization the International Federation of the Red Cross for disaster preparedness work. On top of the $4.3 million, according to budget figures the charity provided to Grassley, the American Red Cross spent another $2 million on its own to manage the grant. That's after it already took out hundreds of thousands of dollars in administrative fees.


Partners like the IFRC typically take out their own overhead and administrative costs before using the money to help Haitians.


When asked what the $2 million was used for, the Red Cross said it covered the costs "incurred to ensure accountability, monitoring and evaluation of work performed and ensure our partners meet their contractual requirements."


"It's sort of a shocking amount of money," said Jake Johnston, a research associate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, who has spent years digging into the Red Cross' finances. "Maybe a little bit more than half that ends up going to a project."


Investigators' Questions Go Unanswered


The report lists eight examples of things the Red Cross declined to provide to government investigators working for the GAO as part of an inquiry that began in 2014. Those include descriptions of the charity's internal oversight processes, as well as interviews with chapter officials involved in the response to Superstorm Sandy.


In its statement, the Red Cross says that "at no point did the Red Cross refuse to provide requested information." But Grassley's report calls that claim "contrary to the documentary evidence."


McGovern has portrayed the Red Cross as a beacon of openness. "We made a commitment that we want to lead the effort in transparency," she said at the National Press Club in 2011.

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 3:59 a.m. No.7274312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

▶️ Placeholder (see /PatriotsFight board on 8chan): #DECLAS -"Exculpatory Evidence [Illegal Hold-Non_Report]" re: #FISAGate

▶️ Coded comm (f/ WhiteHats)

▶️ Video of #RedCross: trunks full of $$$: #RedCrossFraud "US taxpayers are paying for it all"

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 4:04 a.m. No.7274336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

30 percent of Democrats in new poll say few or none of 2020 hopefuls share their values


A new poll found that 30 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters say that few or none of the 2020 presidential hopefuls share their values.


In a Hill-HarrisX poll released Tuesday, 4 percent of Democratic voters said that none of the more than two dozen contenders running for the party's 2020 nomination share their values. Six percent of them said that all of the candidates share their values.


The poll found that there was a small difference in men and women voters, with 32 percent of female voters saying that few or none of the White House hopefuls share their values while 28 percent of men said the same.


Overall, 70 percent of the voting block said that all, most or some of the 2020 Democratic contenders do share their positions.


Younger voters were more likely to say that 2020 Democrats have the same values as they do, with 75 percent of those surveyed between the ages of 18-34 saying that at least some of the 2020 Democrats share the same views as them.


The Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 1,000 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters. The sampling margin of error of this poll is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.


The second round of primary debates kicks off this week in Detroit. Since the field consists of more than 20 candidates, the debate had to be once again randomly split into two groups and scheduled over course of two nights.


Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are poised to headline Tuesday’s night debate. The two liberal heavyweights have maintained a cordial relationship, but are expected to be vying for the support of the party’s progressive base.


The two senators will also share the stage with South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke among others.


Frontrunner and former Vice President Joe Biden will debate on Wednesday, alongside Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who is the only other top-tier candidate to take the stage that night.


—Tess Bonn

Anonymous ID: da41bb July 31, 2019, 4:05 a.m. No.7274340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Johnson 'refusing to meet EU leaders until they ditch backstop'


Prime Minister Boris Johnson is refusing to meet with EU leaders until they renegotiate and scrap the hated backstop from any deal with the UK.


He reiterated once again that it is “absolutely clear that the backstop is no good, its got to go” and said the same of the Withdrawal Agreement as a whole.


Whilst his official spokeswoman said: “The PM has been clear that he wants to meet EU leaders and negotiate, but not to sit down and be told that the EU cannot possibly reopen the Withdrawal Agreement.


“And that is the message that he has been giving to leaders when he has spoken to them on the telephone so far.”


It means that he still hasn’t spoken to Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, though a call is apparently set to take place soon.


Fianna Fáil’s Brexit spokesperson Lisa Chamber has said: “I think it speaks to the deterioration in the relationship between Ireland and the UK that has been allowed to slip over the last three years in particular.”


Whilst the SNP Leader and First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, told reporters that Johnson offered her no clarity on how he intends to get a new deal: “That makes me think that whatever Boris Johnson might be saying publicly about his preference being to strike a deal, in reality he is really pursuing a No Deal Brexit because that is the logic of the hardline position that he has taken.”


Changes to any deal on just the backstop won’t be enough though, with the Brexit Party’s Nigel Farage warning: “If he (Boris Johnson) puts through that Treaty, minus the backstop, then put it to a General Election, we’ll fight him in every single seat.”