With all of this exposure about Baltimore… and from what I have seen happen to Detroit… and all of the shit we hear about with gun violence and murders in the South Side of Chicago… It really makes you think…
The more I learn about the so-called "Black Community" in America, the more I am becoming convinced that whites really ARE "supreme" or "superior" to blacks.
For a very long time I have been advocating for "judge behaviors, not people"… and "judge them by the content of their character" like MLK said…
But as the meme here says… Blacks were in Africa for 10,000 years, and invented the stick. From a purely anthropological point of view, and if you look at things from the point of view of "What challenges did these people have to overcome in order to survive?"… you have to look at how the very thing that caused whites to BECOME white in the first place (generations of living in northern climates), is the very same thing that caused whites to grow strong and smart… and to have a better and more productive culture.
In a climate where you have a winter time, you have to PLAN, and have a society where people could work together and respect each other's rights… if you fail to plan, you DIE in the winter for lack of food… If you fail to respect each other's rights… well, just imagine having all of those stockpiles of food and supplies for a long winter, and NOT having the culture that respected that those stockpiles are YOUR PROPERTY, and that stealing such a thing is a terrible infringement upon your fellow man.
Compare that to living in Sub-Saharan Africa… need food? Go out and get some off a tree… There's no real change in the seasons… this is why culturally, blacks never really GREW. They had no PRESSURE to grow.
So it's no wonder Africa never really developed any advanced culture, technology, etc… Black Americans have these people and cultures as their ancestors…
Part of evolution is that environmental pressures will cull a population of the weakest… This means northern/European whites had their DUMBEST get killed off by freezing or starvation during the harsh winters if they weren't smart enough to plan and work to prepare.
What happened to the dumbest of the black Africans? They were caught by their betters, and sold off into slavery! So it could be argued that the ancestors of Black Americans were also the DUMBEST of the dumb people of Africa…
ALL of this is easily proved to be true through statistics about average IQ distributions of blacks in America… Now there's a LOT of overlap… and I still believe it's wrong to judge people based on group identity… but I just can't escape the reality that most of the time you'll find that black people in America are just fucking stupid by default.
Does any of this mean we should HATE our black neighbors? No… Dogs are pretty smart for being animals, but they're not as smart as humans… and yet we still love them as pets, and treat them like part of the family… we even get really upset when people abuse them or treat them with rank disrespect… but it shouldn't be controversial to say that Mankind is superior to Canines… right?