Are you Chinese? Finery?
Dentist appt at Toof Hurty (2:30)?
Are you Chinese? Finery?
Dentist appt at Toof Hurty (2:30)?
Things we do know:
We’ve had a black president – not happenen again: HairyAzz, CoBo, Mike out.
We’ve had a gay president – not gonna happenen: ButtPlug out, CoBoHomo out.
We’ll had an Off Brand, No Name president (Carter) - not happene again: All the rest out.
We won’t have a Latin president before 2050: BeatOff, CastrateMe out.
We’ll never have a Jewish president (((EVER))): Crazy, Klobcharred out.
In the end some Cabal will escape – Some Won’t.
So you spank it thinking about her.
Yes in the 2070's perhaps.
3am call from Willie
Sadly it's already been forgotten. Too busy with connected life and Summer.