Anonymous ID: 3d3cf0 July 31, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.7287451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>7486 >>7529 >>7535 >>7552

I need to apologize to Q and potus for being an exhausting concernfag tonight.


The truth is I KNOW Q IS REAL. I KNOW THINGS ARE HABBENING, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to stomach injustice and blatant pedovores roaming free while normies call my president AND US racist nazis. Enough is enough. The momentum we have gained so far is waning quickly, I can feel it and see it everyday. The simple fact is every time it feels like it’s finally crescendoing to climax we lose a step or two. This is no different.


I thought we were on offense now? I thought patriots were in control?


Q if you’re lurking you MUST stop using us as bait for (((them))). Most of us anons are true patriots and understand the actions and sacrifices taking place behind the scenes and we are and will continue to be patient. But you guys need to stop whipping us up into a frenzy. Because what happens when you do that is most of us(I quit years ago) tell all our normie friends and family. And then to the normie with a normie worldview sees NOTHING, and it makes potus and us look worse.


If this is to be a great awakening there needs to be something BIG they can see. They need to be bitchslapped awake. If that isn’t in the plan, that is fine. Us anons are totally content here watching it unfold behind the scenes and we are eternally grateful for everything you guys do and have done for us. But please for the love of god stop promising “”next week “ “soon” “gonna be biblical “ repeatedly all for JS to shit the bed on hannity and let us all down. If the plan includes what you guys say, then I think it’s not at all out of line for us anons to start demanding real action. Potus deserves vindication as do his staunch and loyal supporters who take shit every day for it. Blatant criminals flaunting it in our faces everyday isn’t helping wake the normies among us. The same normies that weaponize corporate hr/divorce courts/social media against us due to our beliefs. Potus has sacrificed everything for us, it’s time he’s vindicated in the court of public opinion. This country needs healing.


I love you Q team. God bless you. Please know most of us bitching here tonight do not take anything for granted, we are just sick of seeing the people we’ve spent two years digging up dirt on still running around.


You are literally all we have right now. Please dont hurt us