Anonymous ID: 753633 July 31, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.7287971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7287830 (LB)

>I think she's kind of a milf


She may be 'our girl in the same way that AOC is but not in the way Sara Carter is. She is a member of the CFR and by all appearances is a Bilderburger through and through. But the DNC really doesn't like her and are trying to screw her over the same way they did to Sanders in 2016. I suspect this is because she is relatively un-corrupt compared to the rest of the Dem pack. And this means that if she wins the nomination then she probably won't face legal problems before the election... and this disrupts Their plans of running everyone who is going to be indicted so that it looks like POTUS is being a political tyrant.

Gabbard has little chance against POTUS in 2020. But she is the only one with non-zero chance. Smart Dems would vote for her (but there aren't many of those, so we got nothing to worry about).