Anonymous ID: 88c1d9 July 31, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.7288358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8433 >>8472

Barr and Mueller have been friends since the 70s.

Mueller attended the weddings of two of Barr's daughters.

Mueller's meeting with POTUS the day before being appointed special counsel had ZERO to do about the FBI director position.

The MSM and anons have no idea what was discussed.

POTUS is high IQ and Mueller/RR were given two choices.

  1. Be POTUS' bitch

  2. Face treason and death


Have you read the strange Comey memos?

I'm not a lawfag but those memos are not something normal people write.

They have extreme importance that the public is blind to.

Why would you send extremely specific details about interactions with the president in the White House to Andy McCabe?

These memos bear a similarity to Rosenstein wearing a wire.

However, wearing a wire produces an audio tape that provides the truth.

Comeys memos allowed for lies to be made with no way to prove otherwise.

Was he typing this stuff in his phone?



The purpose of the "memos"was to write a fairy tale that would give reasonable cause for McCabe to start discussions with others about putting together a special counsel.

Could McCabe verify any of these baseless statements?

Did POTUS have anything to fear if investigated?


Did POTUS work with Comey to purposely bait others?

Remember, after she lost a highly classified meeting took place.

Aka they immediately started their plan of attack.

Was their a specific plan in place by deep state with specific dates, players, and markers?

Did POTUS know their plan?

How is POTUS always ahead?

He knows their plan!

POTUS informed certain deep state members he was aware of their plan and that they would fail.


A man that declassified top level FISA documents has nothing to fear!

Deep state actors faced the decision to knowingly participate in treason or offer assistance to POTUS.

Those that know cannot sleep.

How could they trust everyone was still following the plan?

Who was loyal to who?

Long nights with no sleep.

Some unfortunately decided to stay evil and knowingly continue treason and crime to humanity.


Special counsel also necessary to keep low iq democrats/antifa/sjw's from rioting in the streets and starting a civil war.

Remember these people are blind sheep that cannot comprehend truth if it hit them in the face.

They cannot grasp the concept of no Russian hoax and their beloved Hillary and Obama attempted to take him out.

Mass panic attacks and confused citizens would pour into streets.

Orange man bad