Anonymous ID: c2a8dc July 31, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.7288508   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who the fuck ever thought the "DOJ Probe" was going to accomplish much of anything, other than optics?

Horowitz had no investigative teeth, and any recommendations coming out of his review are gonna be weak-tea bullshit


We have known this for over a year

It was always going to go this way

>Horowitz finishes toothless investigation

>makes recommendations for lesser charges based on limited reach

>AG BB receives them and declines to pursue the lesser charges based on the inferior investigation

>"The Plan" continues as before, with the narrative soil being tilled by the IG report

>Current ongoing full investigation will result in more robust charges sometime in the future


Seriously how is this is so fucking hard for people to understand?