Anonymous ID: cd87f3 July 31, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.7288014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8113




It's always bemused me that anons constantly confuse Q with a prophet or soothsayer. From his earliest posts he's emitted bullshit; Hillary is free. He's releasing this in the wide open, over the public internet. Would YOU tell someone exactly who, what, where, when, why, and how using such a venue? Of course not.


To the sceptics and DS Q looks like an episode of X-Files, and we are the Lone Gunmen. And yet, he points, and says "look into this". He pointed and we researched and wrote the narrative. All the shit that's comming out now we knew almost 2 years ago. If you told someone in Dec 2017 that Comey broke the law leaking, the Steale Dossier used info from a 4/pol larp, Trump wouldn't be prosecuted, Side Show Bob would fail, etc. etc. etc. they would have rolled their eyes and called you nuts.


Now those same people say they knew it for a while, you didn't KNOW that, you got lucky….blah blah blah. Yet here we are, and more shit's coming.


For normies the land scape is changing fast. Six moths ago, POTUS's popularity and support was flagging. Now his support is rising, normies are sick of the Dem bullshit. Yet everyday the Dims look angry, vengefull, unforgiving and shrill.


The Dems cheered the destruction of Stone, and a decorated General for nothing burgers, and POTUS/Republicans show restraint, looking for Justice rather than revenge.


It's slow for us. Not for others. And note, while we want the criminals to pay, Q and Q+ are exposing their hypocracy, corruption, and criminality everywhere POTUS points now. And you know, every time something small or large happens, a little piece of the plan goes "click" in your head.


Enjoying the show.