Anonymous ID: da80cd July 31, 2019, 9:02 p.m. No.7288078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8085 >>8136 >>8349

cummings isn't the only liar, cheat and theif, lots and lots of rats in Congress.


Here you have 'public servants' claiming their ambition is to help the people, while stealing funds, millions, if not billions, that were intended to help their districts.


think about what type of 'mind' does that to 'We' the people, 'public servant' but in reality the worst of the worst specimens of humanity.


at least with the mafia, one has the idea of what they are, but 'public servants', such as these POS masquerade as altruistic helpers only to perpetually rip off those their suppose to help. fuckers are absolutely disgusting!

Anonymous ID: da80cd July 31, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.7288677   🗄️.is 🔗kun



fact is, we must 'prove' all things and when you have shit like this burping up it's difficult to embrace the plan, especially when you have:




crimes against humanity, supposedly coming to a theatre near you.


indeed, skepticism can be a great tool, i use it all the time, however something tells me that there is a invisible fast moving locomotive heading down the tracks at those POS standing in the way as (((they))) feel they've game the system, cleverly using law fuckery to protect them only to be mowed down while never thinking or seeing the train coming.


my skepticism at this point has rolled over to faith (in GOD, Q, Patriots, our dear POTUS) and I define faith as 'undeceiving expectation', that JUSTICE will prevail.


anons have made huge investments of our time and energy and lives for Justice to occur, i'm in for the long haul. the war for justice is greater than my doubt.