Anonymous ID: dede09 July 31, 2019, 9:33 p.m. No.7288485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7287285 (/pb)

agreed. And I think it could be related to this Q post. I heard or read somewhere along the way that Ivanka had been targeted in late 90's – something to do with her modeling stint i think.. It may have just been speculation of another anon for all I can remember. I got not sauce on it,just that from memory. Anyways, the Q post made me think this: if he was one of them and is flipped/rogue, we know they require sacrifices from time to time, maybe they demanded his sacrifice and he said fuck that and is instead going to sacrifice them instead, along with anyone who stands in his way. good on him if he did… my dad probably woulda gladly said ok.

That said, I think that's a stretch and i hope its just him now having grandkids and not wanting them to grow up in such a shithole world as this was turning in to.