Anonymous ID: 2b1c04 July 31, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.7289214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9223 >>9239 >>9260 >>9455

Antifa Announces ‘Militancy Training’ – Primary Object Will Be To Murder Border Agents! – enVolve


Members of the far-left antifa movement are planning to converge near the U.S.-Mexico border in September to protest conditions at migrant detention facilities.


And what they reportedly aim to do in El Paso, Texas, is concerning, to say the least.


“Antifa is leading a ‘Border Resistance’ militancy training tour that will converge on a 10-day siege in El Paso, TX,” Quillette editor Andy Ngo tweeted Monday. “The promotional image shows border enforcement officers being killed & government property fired bombed. Organizers asking for ‘white comrades’ to pay for others.”


Antifa is leading a “Border Resistance” militancy training tour that will converge on a 10-day siege in El Paso, TX. The promotional image shows border enforcement officers being killed & government property fired bombed. Organizers asking for “white comrades” to pay for others.


— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) July 29, 2019


One of the promotional images does indeed show a Border Patrol vehicle being set on fire, as well as a Molotov cocktail flying through the air.


Several people are wielding bows and arrows, and at least one Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer is on the ground after being hit with arrows.


The subtext is all too clear, particularly from a movement that has been linked to violence many times in the past. Ngo himself was brutally assaulted by antifa protesters last month in Portland, Oregon, and a self-proclaimed antifa activist showed up to a detention center in Washington state earlier in July with a rifle and improvised explosive devices.


After that activist was killed by police, antifa’s Seattle faction posted a call to action for others to follow in his footsteps, labeling its “comrade” a “martyr” and urging a call for “direct action.”


The antifa event in El Paso, which will last Sept. 1-10, is officially called a “Border Resistance Convergence,” according to the event’s website.


“Local and national organizers are working together to build 10 days of trainings and direct actions for the Border Resistance Convergence in El Paso, TX — September 1-10th,” the site says.


“We are calling on affinity groups everywhere to come together and help us address US-funded genocide and local concentration camps.”


Now, it’s not clear what those “trainings and direct actions” will entail. But considering antifa’s history of violence, as well as the promotional image seen in Ngo’s tweet, it can’t be anything good.


And true to form, antifa is asking it’s white members to fund this event.


“There are two locations that can house around 20 people each for the time span of the convergence. There are also local organizers who will be opening their houses. These spaces will be used to host QTPOC folks that are traveling to El Paso,” the website says.


“We are very much relying on white comrades to donate money and throw down on renting temporary spaces for our more vulnerable friends as camping can affect us all in different ways.”


The above lines would be laughable if antifa hadn’t proven time and again that it’s a dangerous and violent organization.


Remind me again why people like CNN’s Chris Cuomo are defending antifa?

Anonymous ID: 2b1c04 July 31, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.7289233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9244 >>9314

ACLJ Obtains Obama DOJ’s Immunity Agreements With Clinton Lawyers…It’s Absurdly Corrupt And Disgusting!


On Monday night’s edition of Hannity, it was announced that The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has obtained the Obama DOJ’s immunity agreements with Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson. These records were obtained via a FOIA request filed by the ACLJ two years ago.


Mills served as Clinton’s chief of staff and Samuelson served as a senior advisor and White House liaison during her tenure as Secretary of State. Both women became her personal attorneys after she left State.


According to ACLJ executive director and radio host Jordan Sekulow, Mills and Samuelson agreed to turn over their laptops in exchange for:


Immunity from prosecution for anything found on their laptops violating multiple felony criminal statutes governing the mishandling of classified information and/or the removal or destruction of records, including Espionage Act provisions.Further, the DOJ and FBI also agreed to evade the statutory requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by purporting to deem the contents of the laptops as not under DOJ or FBI “custody or control.”


According to the DOJ Inspector General, who identified these as the “culling laptops,” “[a]ll 62,320 emails pulled from the Clinton servers were stored at one time on these laptops.” Having taken control of these laptops, agreeing to severely limit its searches, agreeing to unlawfully shield the laptops from FOIA, then agreeing to dispose of the laptops, it appears the Comey FBI and Lynch DOJ did everything in their power to protect Clinton’s senior aids and lawyers from both criminal liability and public scrutiny.


While these immunity agreements and related news have been publicly discussed to some extent, the ACLJ has now obtained the actual documents so the public may see and judge them accordingly.


The pair were essentially given the green light “to dispose of evidence and refuse to comply with federal law.”


During former FBI agent Peter Strzok’s Congressional testimony last summer, he disclosed that Clinton’s lawyers had negotiated immunity agreements with Loretta Lynch’s DOJ which was shocking. Now, we have proof.


Sekulow explained to Hannity:


They take over her emails. They’re called “culling computers” and each one had one. These were the backups of the infamous server out in Colorado that had the 62,000 emails on them.


Each [Mills and Samuelson] had it and guess what, each was going through as now Hillary Clinton’s lawyers deleting emails. So, when this investigation began, they wanted to make sure right off the bat that they were immune from the Espionage Act, the Records Act, and the Classified Information Act. Crimes that bring prison time of up to 28 years if you combine them for each of these actors and yet they get full immunity, but not just that. They also get the FBI and the DOJ to agree to not allow the American people to access this information on their computers via FOIA. I’ve got that document right here. And they’ll destroy the computers for Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson and the Clinton Team.


This arrangement has been described as “highly unusual.” These women went through over 62,000 emails which had been subpoenaed and decided which were okay for the public to see and which should be withheld.


In an article published on Monday, Sekulow goes into the details of the agreements and also discusses the FBI’s attempts to stonewall the ACLJ’s attempts to obtain these records. He wrote that the DOJ/FBI “expressly attempted to evade FOIA’s requirements.” The language included in the immunity agreements with Mills and Samuelson was meant to “circumvent” FOIA requests. Or so they thought. Read the details here.


These immunity agreements represent the most irrefutable evidence yet of America’s two-tier system of justice. Although we’ve suspected this all along, we now have proof. We’ve waited a long time to see justice served, as government agencies have tried their best to stonewall the release of key documents. Although the progress has been painfully slow, important information is being revealed and a picture of extensive abuse of power by officials at the highest levels of the Obama DOJ and FBI is emerging.


This is not a good day for Team Hillary.

Anonymous ID: 2b1c04 July 31, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.7289272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9388

Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed “True the Vote” Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings


Those in glass houses should not throw rocks!


New IRS emails released by the House Oversight Committee show staff working for Democratic Ranking Member Elijah Cummings communicated with the IRS multiple times between 2012 and 2013 about voter fraud prevention group True the Vote. True the Vote was targeted by the IRS after applying for tax exempt status more than two years ago. Further, information shows the IRS and Cummings' staff asked for nearly identical information from True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht about her organization, indicating coordination and improper sharing of confidential taxpayer information.

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, along with five Subcommittee Chairmen are demanding Cummings provide an explanation for the staff inquiries to the IRS about True the Vote and for his denial that his staff ever contacted the IRS about the group.


“Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials – which you did not disclose to Majority Members or staff – indicates otherwise,” the letter to Cummings states. “As the Committee is scheduled to consider a resolution holding Ms. Lerner, a participant in responding to your communications that you failed to disclose, in contempt of Congress, you have an obligation to fully explain your staff’s undisclosed contacts with the IRS.”


The first contact between the IRS and Cummings' staffers about True the Vote happened in August 2012. In January 2013, staff asked for more information from the IRS about the group. Former head of tax exempt groups at the IRS Lois Lerner went out of her way to try and get information to Cummings' office.The information Cummings received was not shared with Majority Members on the Committee.


On January 28, three days after staffers requested more information, Lerner wrote an email to her deputy Holly Paz, who has since been put on administrative leave, asking, “Did we find anything?” Paz responded immediately by saying information had not been found yet, to which Lerner replied, “Thanks, check tomorrow please.”