Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:01 p.m. No.7288854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8870 >>8985

To recap


Declas has been about to happen since Sept 2018, never does tho.


Israel kills people everyday and blames Iran or one of Iran's supposed connections then claims it's the victim.


US MIL slaughter people everyday for Israel and hides this from view.


Criminals run everything in America and do so with impunity still.


Anon's have pretty much dug all the bad guy's and have found most of the evidence yet no one gets arrested. But now history is repeating and old digs are ignored while newfags dig the same old shit.


Any story that looks like it's about to blow wide open gets buried ie: Epstein trial now delayed till next year no follow up arrests.


Clinton's still out dancing.


Wiener now free and back with his cabal wife.


Everyone ignores the Trump Israel ties and constant ass kissing and claims it's part of the plan.


But hey our food is still poisoned, as is our water and air (well maybe not the air according to the sauceless BS of serial brain the chemtrails we continue to see are magik pixey dust that'll save us)


Homeless people still have no home yet illegals do.


But hey we are winning……


When anyone ever points the above out the y get told to trust the plan 5D chess moves counter moves etc…..


At some point we need to ask ourselves why would those who are rich and powerful already turn on their own?


I'll keep fighting as what else do I have? but I will live in reality and not fantasyland.


Jesus is the way, the life and the truth.


Don't be deceived.

Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.7289028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9056 >>9118 >>9260 >>9455

Are US troops officially mercenaries now?


The administration of US President Donald Trump is reportedly seeking up to a fivefold increase in Japan’s spending on American military forces deployed to the Asian country.


In talks with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono and Shotaro Yachi, the head of the National Security Council secretariat, last week US National Security Adviser John Bolton raised the possibility of the fivefold increase in Japan’s spending on US military, the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported on Wednesday, quoting a US government source.


Trump has long complained that Japan was not contributing enough to its defense and that the American military was shouldering an unfair burden. He has repeatedly criticized a decades-old military treaty with Japan as “unfair.”


Last month he told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that the deal needs to be revised.


“I said, look, if someone attacks Japan, we go after them and we are in a battle, full force, in effect,” Trump said. “If somebody should attack the United States, they don’t have to do that. That’s unfair.”


The treaty, signed after Japan’s surrender in World War II, commits the United States to defend Japan. Tokyo, in return, provides military bases that Washington uses to project power deep into Asia.


PressTV-Japan seeks record military spending amid US push


Japan’s military wants record spending next year to buy US-made missile systems and warplanes.


Experts say a possible end to the treaty is widely seen as raising the risk of forcing Washington to withdraw a major portion of its military forces from Asia. It has stationed some 50,000 troops only in Japan.


An expert on US politics in Tokyo, Yasushi Watanabe, said Trump “has long believed America has been forced to shoulder excessive burdens because of some frameworks of international relations.”


Under an agreement reached with the United States and Japan under Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, Tokyo will pay a total of $8.7 billion over the five-year period from fiscal 2016 to fiscal 2020.


[ Editor’s Note: It used to be that the US said it posted its military overseas to ensure its security; and hence, the US taxpayer footed that bill. And then there were other reasons.


Having our military posted everywhere gave us leverage on the current governments and hosting militaries. It also created a cash cow annuity for those companies that specialized in servicing those bases.


Clinton Bastin, who lived in Atlanta near me, in our early briefings from him, explained how the whole toxic nuclear storage was a contrived scam to create its own annuity for certain companies.


When chemical engineers used to run the Atomic Energy Commission, they were endorsing the constant recycling of nuclear fuel to reduce the volume of waste.


When I asked him to paint me a picture of how much it was visually, his answer floored me. He hesitated a bit, and then said: “All the real dangerous nuclear waste we have created to date could be piled on a football field 5- or 6-feet high, the rest is all just fillers and stabilizers”.


Constant recycling would have made the uranium mining industry unhappy, as demand would go way down. What did the companies do? They lobbied to have “academics” always be put in charge of the Department of Energy – political appointees who would cater to the desires of those that put them there.


Clinton was a bitter man, exiled from his professional community after a lifetime of top level service. VT has always welcomed such people with open arms, as they bring a wealth of knowledge with them, along with their impeccable credentials.


I shed a tear for him at his memorial service, not only for him and me, but because I knew people of his caliber were not being replaced…

Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:15 p.m. No.7289057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9118 >>9260 >>9455

The last western Empire?


“Missing the forest for the trees” is an apt metaphor if we take a look at most commentary describing the past twenty years or so. This period has been remarkable in the number of genuinely tectonic changes the international system has undergone. It all began during what I think of as the “Kristallnacht of international law,” 30 August September 1995, when the Empire attacked the Bosnian-Serbs in a direct and total violation of all the most fundamental principles of international law. Then there was 9/11, which gave the Neocons the “right” (or so they claimed) to threaten, attack, bomb, kill, maim, kidnap, assassinate, torture, blackmail and otherwise mistreat any person, group or nation on the planet simply because “we are the indispensable nation” and “you either are with the terrorists or with us“. During these same years, we saw Europe become a third-rate US colony incapable of defending even fundamental European geopolitical interests while the USA became a third-rate colony of Israel equally incapable of defending even fundamental US geopolitical interests. Most interestingly looking back, while the US and the EU were collapsing under the weight of their own mistakes, Russia and China were clearly on the ascend; Russia mostly in military terms (see here and here) and China mostly economically. Most crucially, Russia and China gradually agreed to become symbionts which, I would argue, is even stronger and more meaningful than if these two countries were united by some kind of formal alliance: alliances can be broken (especially when a western nation is involved), but symbiotic relationships usually last forever (well, nothing lasts forever, of course, but when a lifespan is measured in decades, it is the functional equivalent of “forever”, at least in geostrategic analytical terms). The Chinese have now developed an official, special, and unique expression to characterize that relationship with Russia. They speak of a “Strategic, comprehensive partnership of coordination for the new era.”


This is the AngloZionists’ worst nightmare, and their legacy ziomedia goes to great lengths to conceal the fact that Russia and China are, for all practical purposes, strategic allies. They also try hard to convince the Russian people that China is a threat to Russia (using bogus arguments, but never-mind that). It won’t work, while some Russians have fears about China, the Kremlin knows the truth of the matter and will continue to deepen Russia’s symbiotic relationship with China further. Not only that, it now appears that Iran is gradually being let in to this alliance. We have the most official confirmation possible of that fact in words spoken by General Patrushev in Israel after his meeting with US and Israeli officials: “Iran has always been and remains our ally and partner.”


I could go on listing various signs of the collapse of the AngloZionist Empire along with signs that a new, parallel, international world order is in the process of being built before our eyes. I have done that many times in the past, and I will not repeat it all here (those interested can click here and here). I will submit that the AngloZionists have reached a terminal stage of decay in which the question of “if” is replaced by “when.” But even more interesting would be to look at the “what”: what does the collapse of the AngloZionist Empire really mean?


I rarely see this issue discussed and when it is, it is usually to provide all sorts of reassurances that the Empire will not really collapse, that it is too powerful, too rich and too big to fail and that the current political crises in the USA and Europe will simply result in a reactive transformation of the Empire once the specific problems plaguing it have been addressed. That kind of delusional nonsense is entirely out of touch with reality. And the reality of what is taking place before our eyes is much, much more dramatic and seminal than just fixing a few problems here and there and merrily keep going on.

Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:22 p.m. No.7289121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9148 >>9179 >>9185 >>9265

Pedo Jeffrey Epstein Was Offered Two 8-Year-Old Girls, Court Docs Show


Accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was offered two eight-year-old girls for sex by a prominent modeling agent, new court documents allege.


Messages left for the pedophile billionaire by fellow pedophile friend Jean-Luc Brunel – a person also the subject of abuse allegations – described the two girls as willing to give “Russian lessons”.


At 8:08 am on the morning of April 1, Brunnel called Epstein and left a message, which was relayed to Epstein via a note that read: ‘He has a teacher for you to teach you how to speak Russian. She is 2 x 8 years old not blonde. Lessons are free and you can have 1st today if call me back.’

Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:32 p.m. No.7289210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9291


Q posted that site


Don't see you disputing daily mail although that's cabal owned and the exhibit link is the actual evidence


You're just a whinny little bitch Rabbi and if you were in front of me I'd beat the fuck out of you but you wouldn't face me you'd run and hide or get your brave IDF faggots to shoot me from a roof top as cowards like you lot do.

Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:37 p.m. No.7289248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9306

Rothschild ZIONIST state of ISRAEL is the CABAL & runs the US DS and most of the Governments WW


Warriors don't lead anymore those who lead are weak silver spoon raised yes men who do not have the balls to stand up to their masters.


God will punish you when your time comes.

Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.7289278   🗄️.is 🔗kun



MJ knew who the masters were


“Beat me, hate me

You can never break me

Will me, thrill me

You can never kill me

Jew me, sue me

Everybody do me

Kick me, kike me

Don’t you black or white me”

— Michael Jackson - They Don’t Care About Us

Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:44 p.m. No.7289320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9373 >>9382

>>7289291 Now go eat a dick wanna be



Joel Davis, Clinton Campaign Official, Arrested On Child Rape Charges📁


These people are sick!


Anonymous ID: 9fe67e July 31, 2019, 10:48 p.m. No.7289350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7289340 Seen this?


What the CIA Tells Congress (Or Doesn’t) about Covert Operations: The Barr/Cheney/Bush Turning Point for CIA Notifications to the Senate