Anonymous ID: b62c1b July 31, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.7289026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9068


eric holder seriously sounds terrified that the truth about Obama will come out soon.


wait, no he doesn't.


Q shit is a psy-op to get us ready for civil war in 2020

Anonymous ID: b62c1b July 31, 2019, 10:24 p.m. No.7289136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9220 >>9253 >>9270


thats what I mean though.

Q placate us for now, then when Trump loses for failing to drain the swamp in 2020, civil war starts and the bad actors laugh at the success of Q.


Maybe this was the plan the entire fucking time, how else would Trump manage to win a rigged election? Then Q gets everyone riled up with how disgusting it really is. Then Trump gets replaced by Biden or Booty-gig? That is a recipe for civil war.


Not to mention all Trump talks about is his great love of the kikes. muh anti-semetic Omar, the one fucking thing I'd probably ever agree with her on is that jews are roaches and behind it all. "some people" did 9/11 indeed.


Comey shouldn't be walking from anything. They should be piling on EVERYTHING onto him. He is one of the top ringleaders of the cult.

Anonymous ID: b62c1b July 31, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.7289292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9335 >>9400 >>9419


Seriously. Declas could reveal 3 assassination attempts against POTUS


The left would say "well, sounds like they were just doing their best to protect us all from Trump" and praise them.


They would NOT GIVE A SHIT about that.

They would NOT GIVE A SHIT that Obama had a massive spying program against Republicans.

They would NOT GIVE A SHIT if Cruz was spied on too.

They would NOT GIVE A SHIT if it was revealed Scalia was murdered in a plot to give AG Lynch a seat. They despised Justice Scalia.


I know leftists. I used to be one and hang in their crowds. ALL MEANS ARE JUSTIFIED, because they are literally Godless shitheads ran by demonic forces. They are filled with pride and can't even begin to conceive that they may be wrong.


They HATE:

-White people

-Straight men

-Evangelical Christians




-The United States


They all SUFFER from existential agony too and live in despair, which is a result of following Satan instead of their Heavenly Father. But since 'satan' and 'God' are made-up to them, they take their suffering out on the above groups they hate. They think 'if i had the free shit I am entitled to have, stolen from me by the billionaires, my life would be better, and it's all the REPUBLICANS fault for stopping that from happening'


If they were going to wake up, the 2016 Democrat Primary would have done it - Hillary stealing the primary was a big deal for anyone who cares about the values of democratic elections. Only a tiny % of Dems woke up from that though (myself included)


What leftists really need is Jesus. But they hate Jesus, or believe in the false denominations that promote the idea that Jesus was some kind of hippy who'd be fine with gays getting married or two women 'loving' each other.


4-6% my ass. We are fucked.