Anonymous ID: 057d77 July 31, 2019, 11:21 p.m. No.7289666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9684 >>9686 >>9705 >>0193


I can't help but think we're missing something with the exchange between Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris.

Her record of withholding exculpatory evidence comes up in the debate

a few days after Q posts about exculpatory evidence explicitly.

With the US Army twats >>7289644, I'm pretty convinced.

Gabbard was former army.

She is bringing attention to something about Kamala Harris and I think we're missing something here.

Anonymous ID: 057d77 July 31, 2019, 11:31 p.m. No.7289733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9747 >>9752 >>9757 >>9787 >>9829 >>9851


Fuck this.

I'm convinced that exchange tonight is important.

The other thing Gabbard said tonight was:

>Our President is supporting Al-Qaeda

What president was she talking about?

What if Obummer is a foreign agent (birth cert. much?)

and anyone in his network map is now FISAd.

How do you unmask "US PERSONS" in fisa?

They have to have been participating in a crime, or their unmasking is critical to the case.

Kamala Harris withheld exculpatory evidence as an AG. That is a crime.

Who did she withhold the evidence from?

Is she within a few jumps of Obama and his crimes?

Does this unmask her?

It sure would if her withholding of exculpatory evidence was connected to obama and his crimes!

Did she withhold evidence of someone obama et. al. wanted to keep in jail? or smear? if so, why?

Anonymous ID: 057d77 July 31, 2019, 11:36 p.m. No.7289767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9770 >>9787


>She was only an AG at the state level, not federal

It's still a crime, and doesn't change my point.

What if the exculpatory evidence she withheld was in service to their interests?

FISA started on obama for being a foreign actor would spread through the dem ranks.

How do you unmask US PERSONS in FISA?

They have to commit a crime related to said investigation on the foreign actor.

Anonymous ID: 057d77 July 31, 2019, 11:53 p.m. No.7289865   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think tulsi gabbard is a plant into the dem primary.

I think she is going to be interesting to watch this election cycle.

I also think her exchange with kamala was important and needs digging.

It actually just dawned on me.

Shes from CA.

She was endorsed by Feinstein.

What if she is a US PERSON in a Feinstein FISA?

Feinstein and China

Foreign actors in the US.

Remember Russia Russia Russia

Remember FISA work both ways.

Obummer and his shitty birth certificate fake = a FISA

Feinstein and her Chinese spy of a limo driver = a FISA

Now start hopping and skipping over the heads of the other corrupt DEMS and you got yourself a network map of FISA US PERSONS.

Catch them in related crimes and they can be unmasked.

Anonymous ID: 057d77 July 31, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.7289870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9898


Dig into some sauce and who knows what we'll find.

Simply by proximity alone I think Feinstein is the FISA and Kamala Harris is a US PERSON hop that was just publicly hinted at unmasking.

Anonymous ID: 057d77 July 31, 2019, 11:59 p.m. No.7289898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9913 >>9947


holy shit.

Wut this?


>This is the official, legal and personal correspondence from a decade on the losing end of a prima facie case of municipal racketeering with San Francisco's City Hall that began in 1997 … … … a private petty paper war that destroyed my motherhood, devastated my marriage, stole my beauty, and made me the most hated woman buried under Willie Brown’s city hall. TWO women ship-wrecked my world at Mayor Brown's command, then-mere deputy city attorneys. First, it was Katherine Feinstein, in charge of the bundle of lies that snatched away my authority over my family 1998-2000. This woman was the daughter of California’s sr. senator, Dianne Feinstein. She went on to be a judge. Second woman was Kamala Harris, in charge of the persecution by 2000-2001, who is now a Senator, running for President. What she did to us in 2001, she's capable of doing in the White House in 2021. She ignored exculpatory evidence and when confronted with CPS reports saying "no issues" she just doubled down. Those three years were spent with the City Attorney’s Office of San Francisco systematically destroying our reputation, using the dozen of lies supplied by Children Protective Services, are all documented within this manuscript. Most of the documents I used as the foundation for this manuscript (and case) are marked ‘Confidential’ and come with their own penal code. I, the person being talked about, have no right to this paper. So it was a struggle to even get it. But as the legal adage goes, the only successful defense for a slander/libel case is to be able to prove you are telling the truth. I have used hundreds of the City’s own documents to do just that.

Anonymous ID: 057d77 Aug. 1, 2019, 12:02 a.m. No.7289913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9941 >>9957


Gestalt: Kamala Harris and Katherine Feinstein were city attorneys together in the 90s.

They ignore exculpatory evidence in a CPS case.

I'd say that'll fucking unmasked them like nothing else.

There's a FISA on Feinstein ie: China.

And Kamalamadingdong just got unmasked tonight.

Anonymous ID: 057d77 Aug. 1, 2019, 12:55 a.m. No.7290186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So my working theory here is this:

Diane Feinstein is under FISA investigation as a result of her ties to Chinese intelligence.

Good article summary of Di Fi and China

If Diane Feinstein is under FISA investigation,

Kamala Harris absolutely would come up as a US PERSON.

Considering her working relationship with DiFi's daughter as attorneys in San Fran

DiFi consistently endorsed Kamala

I'm certain there's more connections.


So here's my theory:

FISA works both ways. So it's their turn to be investigated.

If DiFi has committed treason in relation to her ties to China,

Kamala comes up as a US PERSON and needs to be unmasked.

That need is due to SOMETHING Kamala has done in her past as it pertains to Feinstein.

My hypothesis is this:

Through Katherine Feinstein, Kamala Harris committed a willing withholding of exculpatory evidence in service to Diane.

Is there any connection to Diane Feinstein's interests in Kamala Harris' exculpatory evidence withholding history?