Anonymous ID: b52a0a Aug. 1, 2019, 12:16 a.m. No.7289986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0001 >>0004 >>0026 >>0027 >>0156

To the one who cried about nothing happening…


Are you blind? You have been brought into one of the biggest think tanks in the world and history.

You have been witness to peace happening with countries that others would rather keep us in war with for their profit and pockets.

You have been witness to teaching an AI to think and talk like us so that pedos are caught without having to use live humans as bait.

You have been taught to code and read code.

You have learned more of history then any classroom could have EVER taught you…

You have learned to work as a team. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses, holding each other up and helping others to learn.

Yes we know, many want to see public justice, it will come…

In time

You can’t expect 200 or more years of evil to be defeated and punished in just two or three years.


You have learned a lot here you probably would have never thought of with the help of anon frens…

We are , whether you want to admit it or not a family… a family united in a common cause…



If that’s not for you…feel free to pack and go to another country of your choosing….

As for me and mine… I shall remain true to the cause of FREEDOM and AMERICA!


Sign me proud US NAVY VETERAN!

