Anonymous ID: 6e1546 Aug. 1, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.7290369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0428 >>0464 >>0544 >>0679

>>7290248 (LB)

>I advise not getting surgery as this can open a whole other can of worms.


Been living with chronic spine pains for more years than I've kept track of. I lost count of the number of doctors I've seen and the number injections I had in my back and neck, I let them do the radio frequency in my back, they told me that was a permanent fix, four years later pain returned. Then they said they needed to operate on my back, a permanent fix, three years later pain back worse than before. By then the neck pain had gotten really bad, they told me they wanted to fuse vertebrae's in my neck "at least three and maybe more once they open me up. This time I asked, "Can you promises me it will be permanent?" No, we can't but we would hope it is.


That was eight years ago, I refuse to be cut open again unless it's needed to save my life, I'll live with the pain. I know a lady in her early 40's who had multiple operations on her neck, each time it returned she was worse than before. She now has multiple fused vertebrae's and lives with debilitating migraines, they can't or won't operate on her anymore. She can't work, spends about half her time in bed from the migraines, her life is a shambles and we fear she will committee suicide, she has two young children. Mean while the doctors have padded their bank accounts and are living the good life. Unless you ask, they won't tell you the risks and the chances you'll face of more operations, they see you as a bank roll.


Yeah, don't let them operate until you've asked a LOT of questions and have gotten multiple opinions!