Anonymous ID: 29147f Aug. 1, 2019, 5:10 a.m. No.7291509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1590 >>1609 >>1639

Q Research Notables


· 7h

Joe diGenova, George Papadopoulos and Q, among others, led the community to believe DECLAS would begin on Wednesday, July 31. This is officially a failed prediction. Please leave your explanations and/or sentiments below.

This ain't a NOTable so don't report it as it is and this ain't a prediction either.

DeGinova did not say the Declas would start coming out, he said information. Ammo was expended via FF. Information did come out on Wednesday, Comey's shit dropped, were you paying attention? You should stick to JUST posting NOtables if that's what your gonna call yourself. Let the Bakers Bake, the Autists Autist and everyone else do what they do. You just sit in your corner and CopyPasta, Okay? Thank you!