Anonymous ID: 31f033 Aug. 1, 2019, 5:29 a.m. No.7291659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1707



I get it anon, I really do. But what you are doing is talking to a ditch digger about shovel engineering. None here have been provisioned access to change the settings that need changing. I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm not saying that the change isn't easy.


What I am saying is that there is a workaround but fuckwits don't want to use it because it takes a whole 20 seconds to download a .jpeg to .png converter app for their AppleFanBoi devices and convert the totally dank pictures they have. I get it.


Use the fucking workaround. Post, .jpg, .gif, .png


The only people that get hurt are anons trying to view the .jpegs that will not load. The good thing is with the anons posting .jpegs on this bake is that they aren't doing any relevant shit. If and when they decide to actually contribute anything of substance, that is when the .jpegs will become an issue.