Anonymous ID: 3b411b Aug. 1, 2019, 4:22 a.m. No.7291135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Doesn;t he look like he just got initiated on MArtha's Vineyark in Oak Bluff with Valeree Jarret?


"Valerie Jarrett, Oak Bluffs seasonal resident, longtime Obama confidante, and now a senior advisor to the president, was one who knew. And she invited him to take a little time out from his Senate campaign (for which she was his finance chairman) and come down to Martha’s Vineyard after the Boston appearance."


"Some believe it was then, on this Island, that Valerie Jarrett began encouraging his bid for the presidency; her office declined to comment on when and where the decision to run for president was made. But whatever else Obama decided, he decided he liked this place, says Charles when asked what Obama made of his first visit.


“This was him trying to figure out, ‘Why are all these people I know spending some of their time on this place called Martha’s Vineyard, called Oak Bluffs?’ He came and realized that it had all the things that were perfect for him and the family: beaches, a lot of things for the children"