Anonymous ID: 54bffb Aug. 1, 2019, 4:38 a.m. No.7291251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1312

The corn is high as a Hierophant's eye


1846:English Corn Laws repealed ["corn" in England means hard cereal grain in general]


As the old land-owning aristocratic elite fought to protect its economic foundations it supported tariff measures that allowed them a near monopoly to sell their agricultural product at prices higher than world-trade prices. These laws restricted import and export of cereal grain


to the advantage of elite landowners,

to the disadvantage of the "consuming public", and

with no advantage to rural laborers

After long stubborn struggle, the liberal "Anti-Corn-Law League" prevailed [pix]

Old feudal/agrarian England was now nearly completely transformed into modern industrial England

The old agricultural economy and all the social-economic relations that grew up to support it (e.g., aristocratic squires and the agricultural tenants on their lands) were being absorbed into the general market economy

Nothing more dramatically than this illustrates the reason technical innovations in machine manufacturing caused broad revolutionary change in human life

Traditional agrarian ways withered away, greatly traumatizing some and greatly benefiting others

Should we be tempted to say that England was being "Westernized"?

This dramatic, long-term struggle underscored one of the most profound changes caused by industrialization =

Most urbanized manufacturing economies, with burgeoning new populations clustered around factory workplaces, could no longer feed themselves from within national borders

World trade in grain was becoming a necessity like never before

1845+: Ireland in these years suffered failed harvests as a result of fungal growth on potato crops

Irish workers suffered deadly famine

About a million died, and another million set sail for the new world

Liberals in parliament did very little to aid Ireland, in harmony with the same "hands-off" or free-market principles that had guided them in the struggle against the corn laws

Anonymous ID: 54bffb Aug. 1, 2019, 5:54 a.m. No.7291842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1854

Open door to ye demons


>By 1996 methamphetamines had become the most widely abused drug in Thailand and displaced opium and heroin as the main products of the Golden Triangle in Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. People began smoking it rather than swallowing it to get a more intense rush. More people became addicted. The drug epidemic that ensued that was not unlike the crack epidemic in the United States in the 1980s. The government responded by classifying amphetamines as a dangerous drug and instituted the death penalty for dealing it.


>Some users say it increases their sex drive. One British user in Bangkok told the Independent, “By day two all you can think about is sex…I am talking about having sex for 20 hours, stopping only to top up on yaba. Of course you can not come. It stops being fun. You feel like a hamster on a wheel…usually three days up, and I crash that a normal binge—any more I feel sure my brain would explode.”


>The Full Moon Party is more a bunch of small parties than one-large concert-like event. Oliver Benjamin and Phoowadon Duangmee wrote in The Nation: “The sheer variety of moon-theme parties on Phangan is amazing, each one touted on loud psychedelic flyers and posters all over the island — the Half Moon, the Black Moon, the Shiva Moon — and each one a bacchanal of all-night techno music, half-naked foreigners and unabashed drug and alcohol indulgence. Generated by huge loudspeakers, the dance music can shake the ground for a kilometre in all directions, and for years it seemed to have deafened everyone in authority to whom complaints were directed. [Source: Oliver Benjamin and Phoowadon Duangmee, The Nation, March 22, 2008]


> Methamphetamines is usually taken orally or smoked. Some people snort it or wear Nicorette-like patches that allow them to absorb it into their skin. There have even been reports of bars that get customers high by circulating amphetamine smoke through the air conditioner. Many people smoke methamphetamines by burning a tablet on a piece of foil and inhaling the smoke through a straw. Others smoke it in water pipes. When consumed this way it produces a crack-like rush that lasts for a couple of minutes. A quarter of a table is consumed at a time and users stay for up hours or even days smoking it at regular intervals.