Anonymous ID: 59f5d2 Aug. 1, 2019, 5:17 a.m. No.7291578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"It's going to get Biblical"


A Banquet is a whole lot of stuff to eat.

The Lamb is the creator God.

In Hebrew, the word for marriage also means doctrine.


The marriage banquet of the lamb is the explosion of information and teaching that happened after the cross. With the view of the cross, all the prophetic riddle of the OT "mystery hidden from the beginning" was revealed and the New Jerusalem (New teaching of peace) was ushered in. It was teaching and the cross was the lens through which it was all able to be seen.


But many expected the coming of the Lord to satisfy the violence in their own hearts and missed it. The info was there in front of them, but the chose not to look. They have been distracted by promises of anti-Christs and war and Borg cubes.


They hope to identify a Messiah as the guy who follows the clearly identifiable anti-Christ. "Danger Will Robinson!" They are depending on the anti-Christ to present the credentials of the Messiah.


Many here are expecting to see Hollywood chase scenes and explosion when stuff "habbens". We MAY see that someday, but the purpose here is to prevent those kinds of things through teaching. I see an explosion of information, I see a banquet.. "It's habbening."


And it is almost Biblical in proportion to the previous dribbles.


Sorry I spilled my popcorn…


Thank you Q.