Anonymous ID: 819255 Aug. 1, 2019, 5:22 a.m. No.7291609   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dan Coats leaves when?

He is the blockade on DECLAS right?

Joe D got it wrong, Q just said information was coming out. What came out? Comey not being charged FOR LEAKING HIS FUCKING MEMOs.


Holy shit people. I know it’s mostly shills, but if you think that leaking his memos is anywhere on the same level as sedition and treason, you have a severely myopic worldview.


Calm the fuck down and realize that the shills like to datefag and they push it hard so they can attack the straw man THEY setup.


Don’t respond to or feed the trolls and shills. Nothing annoys them worse than being ignored.