Anonymous ID: ac5895 Aug. 1, 2019, 5 a.m. No.7291444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1502 >>1635

British, anti-Trump coup chief Robert Hannigan moved up on the Qmap listing yesterday. Hurray!


Finally got this prick queued up now. Remember he was forced out of office immediately after Trump's inauguration January 2017. Would have been a fun call for Flynn I bet


"GCHQ chief Robert Hannigan quits"


Curiously, his US counterpart James Clapper resigned even BEFORE Trump's inauguration but after the election victory.


"James Clapper resigns as US director of national intelligence"


The Clapper resignation made little sense at the time for a man whose job would expire in a month or so anyway. Unless…


Remember that the DNI is a duplicative intel clearinghouse invented by W after 9/11 to permanently place Bush confidants (CIA?) over the military intelligence guys and between them and any future sitting president. Hah, in theory.


The Clapper resignation early implied to me that he was actually already out and the military had somehow taken charge. They needed an announcement to justify Clapper's new shadow.


And then Obama was very strangely silent. {spooky music}


Just a guess.


But anyway, welcome to the party Bob!

Anonymous ID: ac5895 Aug. 1, 2019, 5:08 a.m. No.7291502   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If the plan is to extradite Macron to Gitmo, they're going to need a better cook or he's going to get all kinds of difficult.


And you thought Halal meal demands were a pain in the ass.

Anonymous ID: ac5895 Aug. 1, 2019, 5:25 a.m. No.7291635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1670



Remember that James Clapper resigned on 11/17/2016 and Mike Flynn's nomination for National Security Advisor was first reported on 11/17/2016.


Also, Robert Mueller, James Baker III (GHWBs man), John Carlin, Lisa Monaco (John Brennan's protege at DHS and daily Obama Oval Office confidante), Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and a ton of Carlos Slim Helu and Carlos Salinas de Gotari associates had just wrapped up what sort of looked like a potential coup conference at the Mexico City presidential palace on 11/17/2016.


If you wanted some MS-13 help with something big, that might be the room to have dinner in that week maybe?


Know what started on 11/18/2016, the next day?


The Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada international intelligence conference largely associated with John McCain. Even Turkey was at this one. Intel and defense chiefs from around the world.


And then next after that an FBI/DOJ/CIA group met in England, including McCain's man!


And then McCain dropped the fake Russia dossier.


And then McCain flew to Mexico to meet with the Mexican president and Carlos Salinas de Gotari's niece, who was their Secretary of State equivalent at the time.


Meanwhile Carlos Slim Helu flew to Mar-a-lago to have a lively dinner with President Elect Donald Trump. They've been chummy ever since.


Getting the picture?