Anonymous ID: 1a5672 Aug. 1, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.7292695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A fellow patriot just had an "ah-ha" moment and shared some thoughts with me. These are all theories and there no sauce but memories of historical events, so take this as you will.


If Comey, McCabe, and company are not getting charged by the DOJ for a case in civilian criminal courts, then why? Is it to stay out of the way for military tribunals? Q told us to expect such actions. If military tribunals are the preferred venue and action, then the origins of all this must involve an enemy to the US, perhaps a foreign power? Who has actively worked against us in the world - but under the radar, behind the scenes. If it's not Soros, then could it be China?


Think about the things we do know about China.


Feinstein seems to have a cozier than kosher relationship with them.

Google seems to have a close relationship with them (and if Google does, could other tech companies be cooperating?).

Apple gets most of it's manufacturing done in China. How can their proprietary tech stay secret in Chinese factories and not make it to other Chinese research facilities.

What about Huawei putting spy chips in tech gear sold around the world?

Who really pulls the strings in North Korea?

Why did Bill Clinton basically hand China our guidance technology for rockets?

Why did China basically buy up our debt? If they were not doing it out of friendship, what was their motive and possible end game?


So think about it.


POTUS just warned if China waits to make a trade deal until after the election, the terms of the deal will be worse for them. What if the actual reasons for the on again off again trade negotiations with China are much deeper than we see in the media? What kind of trade deal would China get, if they were to be exposed to be behind the actions of the deep state - and that the term "deep state" does not begin to describe the actual depth of the corruption.


Think about how long this has been going on. How could Bill and Hillary Clinton, two very unremarkable and untalented wannabes gather such power in the American political system? We know Bill was a dick head from the beginning. We know Hillary was fired from a D.C. staffer job during the Watergate era for lying and basically being a cunt (her default personality). How do they get the power and money so that their political enemies are paid off or 186'ed on a regular basis.


Finally, if China was behind the Trump witchhunt, who would they want blamed? Would it be their long time enemy, Russia? If Russian was being falsely implicated by China, would they want to help us uncover the dirty dealings of a common enemy? Would POTUS want to be tough on Russia (with little to no retaliation by Russia) so the Chinese would not suspect any cooperation?




Okay, so there you have it. Theories. Speculation. No sauce, but with historical references that seem to fit. Definitely a candidate for a tin-foil hat.


Still, does it fit with what Q has told us of the plan? Think about it, then if it seems dig-worthy, perhaps we'll start to uncover more connections.