Anonymous ID: 3d9275 Aug. 1, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.7292361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

41 Sudanese intelligence agents accused of murder


Sudan’s Public Prosecutors accused 41 intelligence agents of murder and other crimes on Tuesday, Anadolu has reported. The charges relate to the death of teacher Ahmed Al-Kheir in February.


The General Intelligence Agency officers are accused of “murder, incitement, criminal participation and facilitating committing a crime” in relation of the death of Al-Kheir in Kasla Governorate in the east of Sudan. Former Justice Minister Mohammed Ahmed Salem tasked the Public Prosecution Service with preparing a detailed report about Al-Kheir’s death immediately after it was discovered.


According to reports at the time, the Director of Police in Kasla, Yassin Mohammed Al-Hassan, said that the teacher died while being investigated. He added that Al-Kheir was one of a group of people detained, but did not disclose the reason for their detention.


Opposition groups claimed that three people were killed within official detention centres earlier this year, including Ahmed Al-Kheir. All, they said, were “tortured to death”.

Anonymous ID: 3d9275 Aug. 1, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.7292443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo hits China over Mekong River dams


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned of "troubling trends" concerning development of the Mekong River region in China on Thursday during comments to reporters at a summit of diplomats representing nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).


The Associated Press reported that Pompeo addressed efforts by China to dredge and clear parts of the Mekong River, while constructing dams at other parts, to facilitate the movement of cargo ships.


Pompeo warned specifically that China's efforts would establish a level of Chinese control of the river that would usurp authority from the Mekong River Commission, a regional body representing several Asian national through which the river flows.


“We see a spree of upstream dam building which concentrates control over downstream flows,” Pompeo said, according to the AP. “The river has been at its lowest levels in a decade — a problem linked to China’s decision to shut off water upstream. China also has plans to blast and dredge riverbeds. China operates extra-territorial river patrols.”


More than 60 million people in China and Southeast Asia rely on the water for their basic needs. A spokeswoman for the freshwater environmental advocacy group International Rivers in Vietnam told the AP that China's efforts to change the flow of the river would have lasting effects.


“Local people within Thailand and the lower Mekong basin know very well the impacts of China’s dams and proposal for rapids blasting on the river. They have been raising concerns over these impacts for a long time,” Pianporn Deetes told the news service.


“The events of recent weeks have shown the dire consequences of damming for the river system,” she added. “While overdue — it is positive that the critical importance and values of the Mekong and the threats the river system faces are being raised in the ASEAN meetings. As well as recognition, we now need concrete and meaningful cooperation.”


Pompeo is a frequent critic of China and earlier this year accused the country of committing the worst levels of human rights abuse since the 1930s.