Anonymous ID: 635f46 Aug. 1, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.7291973   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2025 >>2230


Now that the frame of understanding is out of the way, let's talk about some mindsets'n'shit.


How many here don't look at it as jumping off a cliff and falling forever…


But really, it's falling up?

And then you get bored with that and you're manipulating gravity to fall in whatever direction you want?


What is meditation?

I sit… I chill the fuck out… I run fantastic scenarios in my mind.

And? That's my every waking moment.

It's m0ar focused than that?

No…. Recursive thought revealing things?

You stahp.


But still.

All of this has put the "Fuck It" on hold.

The second amendment gives me a guarantee to a projectile and a means of actuating it.



What else but this?

Where else but here?

The fuck else were you really gonna do?




You have KNOWN shit's fucked up.

You've been studying HOW fucked up shit is.

And that got you where?



Where are you here?


Go on.

Anonymous ID: 635f46 Aug. 1, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.7292085   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I appreciate your concept, but I'm talking weeeeell past that point.


"I was in a void, and a hand appeared to pull me out"


Been there.

And then?

Gotta be able to move.


Can't count on The Hand forever.

And the last thing I want is The Finger.

Anonymous ID: 635f46 Aug. 1, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.7292230   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Y'all ignore this.


Actual feels that…

I'm not the only one.

Taking off is better than falling.

Worse come to worst, you get to fall longer.


But still.

Real shit.



Some sob story that starts with "pray for me"….



And frankly, I love you faggots for that.

We all feel the feels.

Honesty is nothing special to an autist.

Emotional repsonses are triggers.


Why get so worked up?

Anonymous ID: 635f46 Aug. 1, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.7292409   🗄️.is đź”—kun

As much as I'd like to be appreciated…

Let alone "loved"….

I don't care.


I really honestly do care.

But I do this, anyway.


Even if I die alone and forgotten…

I did this thing

I did this thing with everything I had and things I didn't know I did


But I did the thing.

I can't smile at myself when I'm dead.

But I can do it now.


It's that smile as you fall over.

And stand up…

Knowing you bout some time.


I've no kids.

And as much as I wouldn't mind them…

I have shit to do.


Hopefully this whole Q Thing works out.


All my chips…

All my what litte I had to throw at this…


I'ma still do it.

Beyond no other option..

No matter what.