Anonymous ID: 766cee Aug. 1, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.7292486   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Consider an alternative - that Epstein was not actually injured in the first place; the fake news was to shake up those he could name, give them false hope.


Moves & countermoves


Such a high value person is not in genpop, he's under heavy security because he can name names. Putting off his trial until June 2020 also gives him plenty of time to think and time to wallow in self-pity and misery. That can also help him 'decide' to cooperate more. And that year is also time for those in his ring (or patrons of it) to: do stupid things (either because of fear they are being named, or arrogance in thinking they are not being named/investigated), worry turn to paranoia, lash out, or voluntarily talk & cooperate with LE.


Moves & countermoves.