Anonymous ID: b139f2 Aug. 1, 2019, 6:09 a.m. No.7291949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2262 >>2585

Ever played Metal Gear Solid 2 ?

That was my red pill moment.


Something just clicked for me.

In MGS2 a terrorist group, ironically enough, called The Patriots installed an AI into The White House.

The AI took control of US governemt and from there started infiltrating the world manipulating world politics to reach an end goal of a "united" and subdued population. While having full control of information.

It had convinced itself that it did this for the benefit of mankind.


Q posted "Satan has left The White House" over a year into Trumps presidency.

He could mean "Satan worship has left the WH" but I don't think so. Many of the dems are still in their offices.

He could mean Obama even though that is giving way too much credit to that faggot. But then why over a year later?

I'm left with only one thing. The last remnants of something, a device maybe, was removed from The White House. Was this device an AI? Was this device the literal Satan?

I don't know. Just thinking.


If you haven't. Play MGS2. or watch the final dialogue on YT, though you will be missing some context.