Anonymous ID: 91ff2e Aug. 1, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.7293941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tom Fitton Update on Election Integrity in quite the detail. 54 min.


The lawsuits, the findings, Ohio cases and interpretation, for those working on election integrity. The Supreme court decision on roll clean up was a win, but there is more surprises here. Really helps with understanding the current state of election integrity.


We are closing in on the election fraud methods.

Also covers recent research on CA ballot harvesting by illegals and non Americans. Technically, Russia or anyone from anywhere in the world could pay people to walk into CA and harvest ballots for whoever they want to win.


In some counties people are walking into the county election boards with 100-200 ballots after ballot harvesting door to door. There is no limit on the number of ballots these people can collect by harassing people door to door to fill out the ballot.


If you know of instances of someone knocking on your door harassing you or someone else to fill out a ballot for them to take them in, Judicial watch wants you to call them. They are investigating these ballot harvests that can have illegals orchestrating election results with current laws.


Also interesting: Florida has a law that prevents illegals from being removed in a 90 day window at election time, if they are discovered through the election/voting/registration process somehow. They did not go into the details of the particular law, but…..


How obvious can (((they))) get?


Apologies if already posted, but checked Notables, and did not see it.

Worth the watch for the updates, while getting ready for 2020.