Anonymous ID: cb7a01 Aug. 1, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.7293517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3687


A Cambridge University student broke open the door of a plane and leaped to her death while on a trip to Madagascar.


Alana Cutland, 19, fell over 3,500 feet from the Cessna light aircraft during a flight back from a remote lodge where she was studying a rare species of crabs.


Investigators said the student suffered five "paranoia attacks" while on the "failed" research trip which she funded herself.

Alana is understood to have fought off fellow passenger, British tourist Ruth Johnson, who had battled to try and keep her in the aircraft for several minutes.

The tiny propeller plane was rocking through the air as Ruth – the only other passenger – and the pilot grappled onto Alana’s leg in a bid to stop her death plunge.

But local cops said 19-year-old managed to free herself from their “exhausted” grip high above the paradise Indian Ocean island falling into the wild savannah below.


Cops and locals have been trying to find her body in the remote Analalava region, but fear they will never find her due the remote location.


She was always so kind and supportive to her family and friends, which resulted in her having a very special connection with a wide network of people from all walks of her life, who we know will miss her dearly.

Anonymous ID: cb7a01 Aug. 1, 2019, 9:12 a.m. No.7293667   🗄️.is 🔗kun


claims that parents who allow their children to live according to their self-identified genders are setting a “dangerous” example.


Lopez, a father of three, shared his opinions during a June interview on The Candace Owens Show, a PragerU video series hosted by the 30-year-old conservative figure, but the clips have only recently caught Twitter’s attention.


During the 40-minute interview, Owens brought up the “weird trend” in Hollywood that have celebrities like Charlize Theron taking cues from their children as to how they identify. In April, the Long Shot actress revealed that her 7-year-old child Jackson did not identify as a boy.


“Yes, I thought she was a boy, too,” Theron told the Daily Mail. “Until she looked at me when she was 3 years old and said, ‘I am not a boy!'”


Owens told the new Access Hollywood host, “A lot of weird trends come out of Hollywood and one of the weirder ones, for me, is this new trend where celebrities are coming out — and I know Charlize Theron did this a few weeks ago — is saying that their child is picking their gender. And this is strange to me, and they say, ‘Oh, I looked at my child and my child was swimming in a bathtub and looked up and said, “Mommy, I’m a boy’” and that’s weird …”

Owens added that her experience as a nanny has convinced her that children don’t always mean what they say, explaining “I am trying to understand this new Hollywood mentality where they just think their children now have the mental authority.”


“I am trying to understand it myself, and please don’t lump me into that whole [group],” Lopez responded. “I’m kind of blown away too. Look, I’m never one to tell anyone how to parent their kids obviously and I think if you come from a place of love, you really can’t go wrong but at the same time, my God, if you're 3 years old and you’re saying you’re feeling a certain way or you think you’re a boy or a girl or whatever the case may be, I just think it's dangerous as a parent to make this determination then, well, OK, then you’re going to a boy or a girl, whatever the case may be … It's sort of alarming and my gosh, I just think about the repercussions later on.”


He added, “When you’re a kid … you don’t know anything about sexuality yet. You’re just a kid.”


After Owens said that parents who support their children in this way are narcissists showing off their tolerance, Lopez responded, “I think parents need to allow their kids to be kids but at the same time, you gotta be the adult in the situation. Pause with that and — I think the formative years is when you start having those discussions and really start making these declarations,” he said, adding air quotes.


The commentary didn’t earn Lopez any new fans on Twitter.