Anonymous ID: dca899 Aug. 1, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.7294059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4217

22 Stars above their heads….Symbolism??


The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 22

The number 22, which is double eleven (which symbolizes disorder and chaos), can represent a concentration of disorganization. Jeroboam I, the very first king of Israel after the united kingdom split in two in 930 B.C., reigned for 22 years (930 to 909 B.C.).

King Ahab, consider the WORST Israelite king, also reigned for the same length of time (874 to 853 B.C.) as Jeroboam (22 years). King Amon, who ruled for only two years and is consider one of the worst kings over Judah, began his rule at the age of twenty-two.

The Hebrew alphabet is made up of 22 letters, which are used to compose the Word of God. The word of God is called a lamp (Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 6:22), thus it is the light by which we are to live. The word light is found 264 times in Scripture. When 264 is divided by 12 (divine authority) we have twenty-two, which represents light.

God created twenty-two things in the six days of creation.