If we keep in mind that the Fake News media and intel services have been labelling freedom fighters as terrorists for years, I think us anons just earned ourselves a badge of honor.
Congratulations fellow terrorists.
If we keep in mind that the Fake News media and intel services have been labelling freedom fighters as terrorists for years, I think us anons just earned ourselves a badge of honor.
Congratulations fellow terrorists.
>Ever notice that the spy company with Nazi connections in Marathon Man is called 'Amazon Trading Company'? (pic related)
>Ever notice that the spy company with Nazi connections in Marathon Man is called 'Amazon Trading Company'? (pic related)
Keep 'em guessing Q
>The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
>You have more than you know.
Neil Diamond's pedophilia finally being revealed?
>Im taking your post as a threat to me Q
>If something happens to me this month children will die
Lighten up, Francis