Anonymous ID: 6836d8 Aug. 1, 2019, 11:18 a.m. No.7295778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7294907 (PB)

New Deep State Players, you mean, who are stepping up as sacrificial blockades, taking one for the team to slow things down, gum up the works, make justice move even slower until the political winds change with some unforeseen disaster, or the rise of a formidable liberal political opponent, until the will and resolve to actually do something about all the corruption by patriots is exhausted. Time is NOT on our side at this point.


The corrupted DS are willing to die for their cause, to keep their crimes and goals from being known. Just like Japanese during WW2 and the North Vietnamese. All that Q+ and the patriot movement has done here is to deepen the DS and minions resolve even more. Could it be any more clear with the idiotic tweeting from these god damned demons? At the same time, our resolve to end this shit show has grown exponentially. We are headed for a huge bloody conflict unless and until the so called patriots in charge actually do something to take the wind out of the sails of the DS cabal. Not a snarky internet post. Shock and awe is what is needed.


Reference the Bible, will you? How about taking action based on the Bible? Do we need a refresher course on what was done to an evil enemy countless times? There's no chance we actual patriots will allow another DS Demoncrat to take power again. If that is the actual plan, to raise an Army to hunt down and slaughter every stinking rotten one of them, then say so and let's get on with it.