Anonymous ID: 180c81 Aug. 1, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.7297397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7436 >>7620 >>7850 >>8006



A local news bureau reported “shock” in the German city of Stuttgart after a 36-year-old man was hacked to death with what appeared to be a katana-type sword in the middle of the street on Wednesday afternoon.


The attack took place in front of dozens of witnesses and was filmed by passers-by on mobile phones from multiple angles, and saw a man, a 36-year old German resident of Kazakhstan origin, lying on the floor and being repeatedly hacked at and stabbed with a sword, reports German newspaper Bild.


Video recordings from the scene seen by Breitbart London show the victim lying helpless as the attacker raises the weapon above his head, reportedly bringing it down on the head and upper chest of the victim repeatedly while witnesses can be heard screaming and calling for police in the background.


The perpetrator fled the scene on a bicycle and was given chase by police officers supported by a helicopter. The suspect was reported by regional newspaper Neue Ruhr Zeitung to be a 28-year-old man of Syrian migrant origin who arrived in Germany in 2015. He has been arrested and will appear in court on Thursday afternoon. The suspect is being interrogated by police with the assistance of an interpreter.


The paper further reports the suspect and the Kazakh-origin victim were known to each other, having previously been roommates. A police spokesman appealed to members of the public to stop sharing videos of the attack on social media, warning it could have “criminal consequences”.


Germans need to WAKE UP!

Anonymous ID: 180c81 Aug. 1, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.7297653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7807

Senate leaves for five-week August recess


Senators left Washington on Thursday for a five-week August recess, capping off a slog of a summer stretch.


Before leaving, lawmakers passed a two-year budget deal, which suspends the debt ceiling through mid-2021, and confirmed 13 judicial nominees and other high-profile picks, including Kelly Craft to be the U.S. ambassador to the United States.


Senators made no secret that they were ready to get out of town for the August break after last year's recess was shortened amid a push by conservatives to stay in session and keep vulnerable Democratic incumbents off the campaign trail.


Asked if he was looking forward to leaving, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), an advisor to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) quipped, "You mean go back home and leave the nation's capitol? Yes. "


"I can't wait. Don't take it personally though," he added.


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) opened a press conference Thursday by telling reporters "good afternoon," then joked, "I really feel bad that I will not be wishing you a good afternoon for another five weeks."


"Because we're all leaving here I'm in a good mood," Schumer added.


Even McConnell appeared to be smiling as he asked to adjourn the Senate on Thursday, marking the end of the last legislative session until September.


Before leaving senators passed several bills by voice vote and dozens of nominations including nine ambassador picks, Mark Greenblatt to be the Department of Interior watchdog and Vice Adm. Michael Gilday to be the chief of naval operations.


+5 ?

Anonymous ID: 180c81 Aug. 1, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.7297719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7850 >>8006

Pro-Saudi Arabia think tank abruptly closes in Washington


The Arabia Foundation, a pro-Saudi Arabia think tank in Washington, shut down abruptly this week.


Founder Ali Shihabi announced the closure over Twitter on Tuesday, saying the move was prompted by “ongoing differences among our donors that made continued operations difficult.”


“This in no way changes any of my opinions particularly my support for the program of change and reform that Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman is spearheading,” he added.


“After months of having to face these issues the Board concluded, correctly, that the best course was to close down. Nothing more exciting than that I’m afraid," Shihabi tweeted two days later.


Texas A&M professor Gregory Gause, a member of the foundation's advisory board, told The Hill that he thought Shihabi “was filling a niche that needed to be filled in the Washington debate."


"I think that he had a tough job after the Jamal Khashoggi killing and was walking that line of being an effective representative of the Saudi point of view in D.C.,” Gause said, adding that the foundation had its roots in Riyadh's business community.


“What Ali told me was that there were a number of business people back in Riyadh that were supportive of the notion that they needed a more public voice back in Washington,” he said. “There was a need for someone like Ali to represent the kingdom’s viewpoint. I think it’s a shame that you’re not going to hear that voice. But, really it is difficult to get the leeway you need to do the job of effectively representing the kingdom’s interests back in the U.S.”


In addition to Gause, the other advisory board members were former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman, former U.S. ambassador to Bahrain Adam Ereli, Princeton professor Bernard Haykel, global head of commodities research at Citigroup Edward Morse and former Central Intelligence Agency manager Norman Roule.


Advisory board members were called on to participate in events, but they never met in person, according to Gause.


I think any Pro-(fill in the country) think tank abruptly closing in Washington is a good sign…