Anonymous ID: a94aec Aug. 1, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.7297826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7297292 LB ... Henri Cavill <3 guy


Disney is programming us to welcome our overlords. This is the plan behind remaking all the animated films into live action movies...they're breaking down the wall of distinction between animation (consciously false) and live-action (unconsciously real). The later opens doors in the minds of unwitting children and stupid adults for them to be controlled by the artificers of those worlds. Disney wants to corner the market on culturally significant memes. This is occult stuff.


The Kingdom Hearts games discussed/subverted elsewhere (pic related) present a game world of cross-cutting avatars and memes, not unlike QRes. We've assumed control of the memes of production. We are the generative force. The covert female (CovFeFe) archetype.


Spilling my guts here guise....