Anonymous ID: b55f2b Aug. 1, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.7297667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I posted a video in a previous bread of Del Bigtree speaking on vaccine safety at Anarchapulco. I used to call Del "The Last American Patriot" because he was the first person I ever saw mention that our country would not be able to have an army soon due to the numbers of children, especially boys, with autism. I have better hopes now.


Some screen caps of from the video. Vaccines are doing terrible harm to the American people and because the vaccine policies here affect the rest of the world, they are also harming people globally.


Shortly after minute 23 Del made this remark: "If Donald Trump had not been elected it would have been a forced vaccination program for every adult in America."


Thomas Freidan was head of the CDC under Obama. He was recently arrested in NY on some sort of sexual harassment or related charge. Corey's Digs has a very good article about him and what he would have liked to do to us. Would you like the police to stop you on the road and vaccinate you in a "pod" or else be removed from an airplane and held somewhere until you accept a shot. What is in the "ebola" vaccine, anyway?