Anonymous ID: c593ee Aug. 1, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.7297428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7498

>>7297179 PB Some Correction on Bible History


>We know that the early Bible was not a standardized collection of texts. Constantine and his officials standardized the texts that they wanted, and literally burned everything that disagreed with them.



Constantine would be Roman, as in Latin Language.


We have 4 identical copies of the earlier Greek Septuagint commissioned by one of Alexander the Great's Generals, Ptolemy, for the Great Library of Alexandria that was burned.


This Greek language Septuagint, is a 200+BC version that matches not only what we have in much later Latin from the later Roman Empire, but, also Matches the full Dead Sea Scrolls from that same Greek Time period, 200 BC to 100 ad.


Nothing of significance was changed. Spelling errors. Different spellings of names here and there.


The Dead Sea scrolls were not just "the Old Testament" in full. It is a complete ancient library of 800 scrolls, like the library of Alexandria would have been had it not burned.


The Greek translation was done for the library by 70+ Greek Hebrew Scholars that were bi-lingual in both Hebrew (for religious purposes) and Greek (for street language purposes)


Now that we have the Dead Sea Scroll version of the Old Testament to Compare to the Greek version, we have the "Rosetta Stone".


The argument that the bible was changed wildly is over with.