Anonymous ID: e39615 Aug. 1, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.7297956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think that the FBI has labeled QAnon a domestic terrorist bc they want to go after our “leader”…Q & expose who is behind our huge movement.


For them to label us domestic terrorist just doesn’t make sense….we literally stay on the board all day & dig for truth, meme, pray & post news from around the world. They have done everything they can to try and tie violence to us but Anons ARE NOT VIOLENT !

IF we were we would have taken our country back the old fashioned way a long time ago!


Antifa gets a pass from the FBI but we get labeled? This tells me that the FBI is still corrupt as hell, shilling on our board & that THEY are in fact behind ANTIFA!


GUess what fuckwads, you might get our board shut down but you will never stop our Digging for Truth & exposing of corruption! We THE PEOPLE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!