Anonymous ID: 471d8d Aug. 1, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.7298111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8295 >>8419 >>8648 >>8824

Former Florida deputy accused of falsifying drug arrests is being held on a $1 million bond


A former Florida deputy stands accused of falsifying at least 14 drug arrests.

Steven O'Leary was arrested Monday on charges of official misconduct, making false statements, tampering with evidence, false imprisonment, petit theft and battery. For those charges, a judge set his bond at $1 million Wednesday.

An attorney for O'Leary was not listed in court records, and it is unknown if he has representation.

CNN has reached out to the Florida Police Benevolent Association, but it is unknown if the agency represents O'Leary.

Over the 11 months he was working as a deputy in Martin County, O'Leary made 86 drug arrests, according to a 47-page investigative report. Some of those, the report said, were people being wrongly arrested and held in jail for several days.

In January, a crime lab found that substances from three cases that O'Leary submitted as evidence were not drugs. According to the report, investigators found a "broken figurine" that appeared to be a religious statue in the trunk of a sheriff's office vehicle O'Leary had used. The figurine was made from a similar substance to that which O'Leary had identified as crack cocaine in two cases, according to the report. A lab test found that the "statue was comprised of gypsum," the report said.

Anonymous ID: 471d8d Aug. 1, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.7298123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8291 >>8419 >>8648 >>8824

Hong Kong bankers join call for citywide strike over handling of outcry over extradition bill.


Nearly 400 staff from across more than 30 institutions join up with unions in calling for action on Monday

Organisers demand inquiry into government’s recent performance over controversial extradition bill


Hundreds of workers at 34 banks joined calls for a citywide strike next week against the government’s handling of recent unrest which has rocked Hong Kong.


The finance staff added their voices to an umbrella group of 95 unions from the public and private sectors behind the action planned for Monday.


The appeal from the pro-democracy Confederation of Trade Unions (CTU) and staff from local banks, including international investment banks and Chinese state-owned banks, was also echoed by teachers and art groups.

The idea of a strike was first floated weeks ago on an online forum, and has gained momentum after two protests that descended into clashes over which

44 people have been charged with rioting




“To really allow the city to settle down, the government should establish an inquiry, which is not just about the police’s handing of protests, but the entire policymaking and decision-making process,” CTU chairwoman Carol Ng Man-yee said.


Cabal lead protests confirmation???

Anonymous ID: 471d8d Aug. 1, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.7298186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington’s Ultimate Goal in Tehran Remains “Regime Change”


It’s always been about regime change. Washington’s ultimate goal in Iran for the past 40 years has been to bring down the Mullah’s leading the Islamic Republic of Iran. As much as the current administration and specifically President Donald Trump try to hide or deny it, causing the collapse of the Iranian government would be seen as an incomparable “accomplishment” for the current (and even past) administrations.


Unilaterally withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 and imposing harsh sanctions, soon after, wasn’t truly meant to bring Iran back to the negotiating table to formulate a new nuclear deal, one that didn’t have Obama’s signature on it.


No, on the contrary, these actions were meant to make economic conditions as unbearable as possible for the majority of Iranian civilians in hopes that they would either revolt against their current government (which is unlikely) or that the entire country would implode taking down the current administration with it.


In other words, Washington is giving Iranian’s two options, either they bring down their government on their own or the United States will do that for them.


Then, Washington would install a puppet leader of its choosing, that they could easily manipulate. This mindless shell of a human would ultimately have the best interests of the United States as top priority.


A very recent example of this is what the United States is trying (and failing) to accomplish in Venezuela. The have attempted to unseat the legitimate president, Nicolas Maduro and insert a CIA sponsored imperial tool, Juan Guaido. Washington’s end goal, however, is not “regime change”, but instead the collapse of the oil-rich Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


Other attempts by the United States at regime change have failed as well, including President Bashar Al Assad in Syria. After eight years of imposing sanctions, supporting terrorist factions, and using every overt and covert play in the book, President Assad is still in control and will continue to lead his country as long as the people support him (which the vast majority do).


Getting back to National Security Advisor John Bolton’s wildest dream, of the country with the world’s second largest natural gas reserves, kneeling helplessly before the “greatest country in the world”. In this twisted and unrealistic fantasy John probably likes to imagine Iran giving up its natural resources, it’s oil, it’s technology all over to the United States.

Anonymous ID: 471d8d Aug. 1, 2019, 2 p.m. No.7298212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228 >>8269 >>8419 >>8648 >>8824

Nearly 3-year manhunt ends in arrest of HSI most wanted fugitive


DETROIT - ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents and deputies with the U.S. Marshals Service announced late Wednesday that the accused leader of a sophisticated human trafficking and narcotics distribution operation in Detroit was arrested this evening in Monroe, Michigan.


Darrick Bell, 50, aka Tone or Ghost, a U.S. citizen, was the subject of a nearly three-year manhunt, following the takedown of a large-scale human trafficking operation at the now-demolished Victory Inn Motel in Detroit. He was arrested late Wednesday at the Econo Lodge in Monroe. Authorities found nearly $12,000 and a quantity of suspected cocaine in Bell’s motel room. Authorities also arrested a female defendant who is facing drug charges.


Bell and five other defendants were charged in a 9-count indictment with trafficking in persons, drug trafficking, money laundering, extortion collection and conspiracy, among other charges. He allegedly absconded before nearly 200 law enforcement personnel descended on the Victory Inn in Detroit January 2017, in one the largest human trafficking enforcement operations in the city’s history. The sophisticated operation at the motel allegedly was manned by lookouts and armed enforcers.


HSI special agents and deputy U.S. Marshals are actively investigating persons who aided and abetted Bell to evade capture.

Anonymous ID: 471d8d Aug. 1, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.7298311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8419 >>8648 >>8824

Secret interviews reveal risky business for NAB's top executives


A massive leak of documents has prompted questions about how close the nation's big banks are to their auditors.


A massive leak of documents from inside National Australia Bank reveals what its top executives and hand-picked consultants really think about its ability to look after its customers.


It was the beginning of winter 2018 and National Australia Bank was reeling from stunning revelations in the banking royal commission about its shoddy treatment of customers and a foot-dragging approach to compensating customers.


NAB chairman Ken Henry, still five months off his disastrous commission appearance, was in a meeting room at the bank’s head office with senior staff from consultants EY (formerly Ernst & Young).


They were there to talk risk - more specifically the NAB board’s appetite for it.


The EY team needed to know what Henry thought so it could help the bank prepare a report, required by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), that would assess NAB’s performance on risk management and culture.


Startlingly, the chairman said he was "confident" the bank was still selling products that would trigger compensation for customers in the future. Confidential minutes of the interview said he "highlighted an example of SMSF [self managed super fund] borrowing to invest in managed funds".


The minutes of that June 13, 2018, interview form part of an extraordinary trove of documents leaked to the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age by a whistleblower who felt the royal commission had glossed over important problems.


Underlining the whistleblower's concern was that much of what was discovered in that review, including what Dr Henry and others said in meetings with EY, did not make it into EY’s draft report.


Nor did a raft of other detail about poor systems and governance. It is not clear if the final report contained any of this information.

Anonymous ID: 471d8d Aug. 1, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.7298552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630

Area 51 raid theory


  1. Promote event. FB TWAT GOOG all allowing and pushing.

  2. Get reaction from DS (Military will act)

  3. Push conspiracy theorist angle.

  4. Encourage / facilitate the masses to get out there.

  5. Create a chaotic scene.

  6. Military shut it down.

  7. Blame conspiracy theories

  8. Push for legislation to make sharing conspiracy theories online illegal.

  9. Welcome to 1984 and the NWO.



Anonymous ID: 471d8d Aug. 1, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.7298672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ask Dr. Brown & Rabbi Shmuley Boteach "Debate Christian Anti-Semitism"


(((They))) are trying to get the bible labelled antisemitic as Jesus exposed those who got him killed.