Anonymous ID: 8612f5 Aug. 1, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.7298731   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The MSM is trying to get ahead of the story.

That bulletin is from May and briefly discusses that weirdo at the Hoover dam that went crazy.


The actions of 1 individual do not speak for any of us anons. None of us want to kill people because they oppose our views. We actually want to show them the light and bring them out of darkness.

What the bulletin doesn't address is the real terrorist group that is antifa.

They are a large group of individuals that have coordinated and systmematic plans for violence.

They plan, target, and seek violence!

Anons brainstorming off of each other's ideas is our right to have free speech.

I have NO idea who any of you are and I have NO plans to meet up with any of you so we can cause violence.

Anons are not violent.

If we are provoked and attacked with violence from others.

I have a second amendment right to defend myself and my family!

That article pisses me off!