Anonymous ID: 1dc436 Nov. 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.7354597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4880 >>4973


Can confirm the absolute factual presence of Agency “Probable Futures” tech. Akin to minority report, a matrix, a source code etc. though I believe and have shown it to be potentially highly inaccurate, it sets up timelines more as checkpoints, waypoints, benchmarks, etc to hit than an absolute fate. More like be this place at this time in this scenario gives you these possible outcomes. You can do it, sometimes far more accurately, in your mind given enough data points and knowledge of all involved. Call it “Probable” for a reason, and frankly often give it too much weight. Timelines always have variables open no matter how great or small, it is the impact of these to watch out for.

And I got mad at one point in their free over use of it, they fail to take into account just how much of an impact “the observer simply observing the study” can have, especially when informing the observed.

Almost gives me a headache looking back on it.

Also I believe the agency’s version to be not just inaccurate but outdated and possibly tweaked, hopefully in our favor.


I know I know, fringe shit even for this sacred place, but it exists, I assure you.

Been on the lesser end of it myself.