Anonymous ID: e07657 Nov. 13, 2019, 6:32 p.m. No.7354880   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4884 >>4904 >>4942 >>4947 >>4948


I believe there is tech that is either predicting probable actions and outcomes or can observe them. But if the observation is at the quantum level it would affect the outcome and possibly even nudge it into a narrow cone if observed from certain vantage points.


Once a quantum object is observed the โ€œwaveโ€ of potential paths collapses into one single path. Since the collapse of the wave function cannot be undone what is observed WILL happen, which would mean NOTHING can stop what is coming.


At the very least, probabilities of actions, timing and outcome could be narrowed down significantly by the input of multiple data points into a highly sophisticated computer program.


But viewing the possibilities through quantum mechanics is the best interpretation I can see where Q says in #749: โ€œDeeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.โ€ Things at the quantum/micro level become very unrealistic vs the observable/macro level.