Anonymous ID: 458249 Aug. 1, 2019, 7:23 p.m. No.7303740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So I’ve been thinking about the Pope wearing his pedo robe back in February for World Youth Day.


Wearing symbols on your garments would have been an inside message pre October 2016, but Wikileaks brought it to the masses per the fbi unclassified document of pedo symbols.


So if you were the Pope, and were aware that Wikileaks put your little club symbols out there for the world to see, why continue to wear them as recent as Feb 2019 (World Youth Day)?


If we are watching a movie, is it possible that Trump has the Pope in a bind so he HAS to be paraded around with this shit on to Redpill the public? Kind of like how Biden appears to be running for President against his will?