Anonymous ID: 4c6292 Aug. 1, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.7304091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Only black Republican in the House retiring in 2020


The only black Republican in the House said he will retire after his term ends in 2020. "After reflecting on how best to help our country address these challenges, I have made the decision to not seek reelection for the 23rd Congressional District of Texas in order to pursue opportunities outside the halls of Congress to solve problems at the nexus between technology and national security," the Texas Republican said in a Thursday statement.


The news first broke in a Washington Post interview where Hurd, 41, laid out criticism for President Trump over recent comments. The former CIA officer said that he did not approve of Trump telling four liberal congresswomen to "go back" to their home countries, nor did he appreciate his comments about Democratic Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings.


"When you imply that because someone doesn’t look like you, in telling them to go back to Africa or wherever, you’re implying that they’re not an American and you’re implying that they have less worth than you," he said. "Number one, show up to communities that haven’t seen Republicans show up. And listen," Hurd said in response to Trump calling Cummings' Baltimore district "rat infested." "And then the message that you take is how we have solved some problems in our communities," he added. In the past, Hurd called Trump's proposed wall a "third-century solution." In 2016, Hurd called on Trump to quit his presidential bid after the release of the Access Hollywood tape.