Pharmaceutical companies create many profitable conditions using vaccines. Q has also mentioned that vaccines are used for population control. Here is some evidence of how a vaccine can contribute to mortality. One of the researchers for the study, Peter Aaby seems to have been a decent scientist who has tried to sound the alarm since discovering, retrospectively, that DTP vaccine likely kills more children than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.
The DTP vaccine is significant, imo, because of the damage it did to the US population starting back in the 1960's. I got 4 of those shots starting at two months of age with the final one being given when I was about 15months old. I was a tiny child, with severe anxiety, and visual and social problems. My childhood class at school had a special class for the "retarded" kids. Being young I did not understand why my classmates and I had the problems that we did. When I was 12 (about 1977) the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) was passed and in 1986 the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was also passed giving pharmaceutical companies liability free access to the nations's children in order for use to be used (even more) as human guinea pigs. The plot to destroy us and dumb us down goes a LONG way back.