Anonymous ID: 42af16 Aug. 1, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.7304445   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who is Adnan Sakli

February 14, 2013

Prime directive by Adnan Sakli and 8217


As the legal owner of record of the Bank of International Settlements I, Adnan SAKLI orders the immediate termination of all operations of illegal trades and complete shutdown of all operations in relations to the trades in any form or shape. All existing illegal liabilities of all the currencies must be met. In the even they are not met in accords of legal statutes of reporting and confirmation of the positions of the entire Global obligation then the entire operational positions of those nations and their currencies will have no position to be used as a means of exchange.


All the European, American, Asian, Central American. South American debts must be accounted for and must be paid in full……….


………Adnan Sakli died in Spain almost exactly one year after he wrote this letter.


I believe his fortune was frozen by the CIA because it is still to hot to handle for

anyone,as it would disclose their participation in criminal acts against him and his family as well as large scale fraud in the banking system.


A great loss for the financial world, which today is in dire need of rescue,alas without the support of Adnan Sakli.


Adnan Sakli was a good and generous man to the needy,and we send peace on his memory.

