Anonymous ID: a4438b Aug. 1, 2019, 9:05 p.m. No.7305020   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Google is pre-selling their plans and products, for us to elite rich investors. These products and plans require a collaborative effort on the part of actors and other celebrities toward the hyping the idea of global warming as caused by the human race. What are they being offered in return? A ground floor investment in the very products and organizations they will be expected to mount a marketing campaign like no other, backed by a narrative owned by Google.


This is a global warming shill camp on a global 21st century corporate scale of snake-oil salesmanship.


In the days of the Old West, the original shill was a co-conspirator with the snake oil salesman, and who pretended to be a stranger to the snake oil salesman. They might put on a fake show of skepticism but would after say they were cured by whatever elixer they had been given to try.


I just wonder what stake these shill celebs and rich investors have been offered.