Anonymous ID: 71a60c Aug. 1, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.7305061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5072 >>5094 >>5100 >>5110 >>5115 >>5319 >>5564

Berkeley Couple Support Their Children Aged 4 & 8 In Decision To 'Transition'


It's not child abuse - it's being an accepting and loving parent.


In a Daily Mail article published this week, Ben and Sara Kaplan, of Berkeley, Calif., explained why they allowed their two young children to transition at the ages of eight and four.


The family is sharing its story in an attempt to "break the taboo" around trans children following studies that showed a rash of suicides among trans children who weren't accepted by their families.



Anonymous ID: 71a60c Aug. 1, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.7305076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5104 >>5116 >>5413 >>5568 >>5639 >>5678 >>5749

Trump threatens to release 2,500 captured ISIS fighters ‘back into Europe’


US President Donald Trump has warned that some 2,500 jihadists captured by the US and its allies in Syria and Iraq could soon be roaming European soil unless the EU agrees to take back expat fighters of its own accord.


Trump has repeatedly voiced his dismay at the EU’s reluctance to repatriate and prosecute European fighters captured in the Middle East. On Thursday, he made another thinly veiled threat to allow hundreds of battle-hardened terrorists return to Europe.


“You’ll always gonna have somebody around, but right now we’ve captured over 10,000 – we have 2,500 ISIS fighters that we want Europe to take, because they were going back into Europe, into France, into Germany, into various places,” Trump said, speaking to reporters at the White House lawn.


“So we have thousands of ISIS fighters that we want Europe to take and let’s see if that take them. And if they don’t take them, we’ll probably have to release them.”


That is not the first time Trump demanded Europe “take back” its nationals who went to Syria and Iraq to fight on the side of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and other terrorist entities. In February, Trump was talking about “800 ISIS fighters” – less than a third of the current number.


Back then, Trump said that jihadists were likely to “permeate” Europe once US forces withdraw after the caliphate's defeat, which he attributes solely to American efforts.


The threat did not sit well with European countries. While some were simply taken aback by the proposal, Germany expressed legal concerns over the move and Denmark rejected it outright.


Trump startled his generals when he announced a withdrawal of the US troops from Syria in December, since “the only reason” for the 2,000-strong contingent's presence had been to defeat IS.


In the weeks following his abrupt announcement, Trump walked that back somewhat, saying in March that 400 US troops would remain in Syria indefinitely.

Anonymous ID: 71a60c Aug. 1, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7305090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413 >>5446 >>5456 >>5568 >>5749

China Says US Tariffs 'Not Constructive' Way to Resolve Trade Dispute


US President Donald Trump has vowed to continue "taxing" China until a trade deal is reached. Trump earlier pledged to impose an additional 10 percent tariff on $300 billion worth of Chinese goods.


The Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, said Friday that tariffs are "not a constructive" way to solve the US trade war, AFP reported.


"Slapping on tariffs is definitely not a constructive way to resolve economic and trade frictions, it's not the correct way", Wang said on the sidelines of a meeting of Southeast Asia's top diplomats in Thailand, according to AFP.


Beijing and Washington have been engaged in a trade war since June 2018, when Trump announced he was imposing tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese imports in a bid to balance the trade deficit. Since then, the two countries have introduced several rounds of reciprocal tariffs.


In June, Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to a 90-day truce during which they would refrain from imposing additional tariffs and re-launch negotiations in an attempt to resolve the trade war.


The first bilateral trade talks since the G20 summit wrapped up in Shanghai on Wednesday, attended by US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Vice Premier Liu He was the lead negotiator for China. According to media reports, official negotiations ended 40 minutes ahead of schedule with no follow-up briefing, causing many to speculate that the parties had failed to achieve success.


On Wednesday, the White House said that the United States and China would continue trade negotiations in September in Washington.—report/

Anonymous ID: 71a60c Aug. 1, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.7305172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5383

Michelle Obama says there's 'zero chance' she'll run for president: 'It's just not for me'


Former first lady Michelle Obama is resisting calls for her to run for president, saying there's "zero chance" that she will seek the Oval Office.


In a new interview published in Amtrak's magazine The National, Obama sat down with 12-year-old journalist Hilde Lysiak to promote her Better Make Room campaign aimed at engaging college students.


Lysiak pressed Obama about seeking the highest office in the land, something she has previously expressed no interest in.

Anonymous ID: 71a60c Aug. 1, 2019, 9:27 p.m. No.7305250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413 >>5568 >>5749

Where Is Published Scientific Literature Regarding Non-ionizing Radiation, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) & Microwave Radiation Hazards?


One would think Internet searches for specific literature regarding EMFs and RFRs emitted by microwaves and numerous high tech “smart” personal-use devices would not be easy to find, but Physicians for Safe Technology surprisingly found many and created a webpage consisting of “Military and Government Reports.”


Those reports come from:



Defense Intelligence Agency

Naval Military Research Institute

EPA 1992 Electric and Magnetic Fields

EPA 1990 Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields

EPA Office of Air and Radiation


Report of the Comptroller of the United States. More Protection From Microwave Radiation Hazards Needed


WHO 1981. Environmental Health Criteria: Radiofrequency and Microwaves. Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation: Proceedings on International Symposium 1973;jsessionid=3D8CAB394CE3549AE5CB9676DDD9B33A?sequence=1


Translations on USSR Science and Technology Biomedical Sciences: Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation


Government Accountability Office (GAO). Report to Congressional Requesters. Telecommunications. Exposure and Testing Requirements for Mobile Phones Should Be Reassessed. July 2012


On PST’s July 20, 2019 home page we read about


The first reported injury of 5G in a news report comes from Switzerland, where 5G has been launched in 102 locations. The weekly French-language Swiss magazine L’Illustré


[] interviewed people living in Geneva after the 5G rollout with alarming details of illness. In their article, With 5G, We Feel Like Guinea Pigs, posted July 18, 2019, they report neighbors met to discuss their many common symptoms and many unanswered questions.


along with other topics of interest:


5G: Its Legal but Not Safe

Swiss Physician Denounces 5G and Calls for a 5G Moratorium

Swisscom: Millions of Fast Connections

Dear Diary: Loud Humming, Lots of Pain, Nausea, No Sleep

“Mystery Illness” In Cuban and Chinese Diplomats is Microwave Poisoning

Many Others Suffer Microwave Illness/Electrosensitivity


PST 5G Scientific Literature:

PST Electrosensitivity Stories.

PST Electrosensitivity Science.


Personally, I think it morally imperative to possess as much accurate information regarding EMFs/RFRs/ELFs, plus the coming 5G millimeter waves, so we can prepare ourselves for battles extraordinaire—literally and figuratively, especially if or when big tech and microwave providers and platforms have standardized ‘consensus science’ experts testify, and the engaging way state and federal regulatory agencies buy into USA being Number 1 in tech, as currently is being steamrolled over many of us in various cities around the country.

Anonymous ID: 71a60c Aug. 1, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.7305282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5326 >>5413 >>5568 >>5749

Pentagon Reports Record Number of Suicides


While suicide remains a rare event among U.S. troops, 325 active-duty members died by suicide in 2018, the highest number since the Defense Department began collecting the data in 2001 and exceeding a record set in 2012.


According to a report released this week by the Defense Suicide Prevention Office, 139 active-duty soldiers, 68 sailors, 60 airmen and 58 Marines died by suicide last year, 40 more service members than the previous year.


The figure is higher than the sum of deaths reported by the individual services in January – the result of continued death investigations – and tragically exceeds the previous record of 321 in 2012.


For three of the services, the numbers represent an increase over the previous year. The Army in 2017 saw 114 deaths by suicide, the Navy, 65, and the Marine Corps, 43. Only the Air Force saw a decline in suicide from the previous year. In 2017, it had 63.


Earlier this year, Defense Department officials said the rates of suicide, which provide a more accurate understanding of the occurrence among the military population, are "devastating and unacceptable and not going in the desired direction."


"My colleagues and I know that every single life lost is a tragedy and each one has a deeply personal story. With each death, we know there are families and often children with shattered lives," Elizabeth Van Winkle, Director of the DoD’s Office of Force Resiliency, told members of


Congress during a joint hearing on veterans and military suicide May 21.


Related: Air Force to Pause Operations After a Spike in Suicides


The military deaths reflect a national trend. In the U.S. the suicide rate has increased by 33% since 1999, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among people 10 to 34 years old.


The Defense and Veterans Affairs Departments have collaborated on efforts to reduce suicide in the ranks and among veterans, who die by suicide at an average rate of 20 a day. The Defense Department is preparing to issue a comprehensive report on military suicides this summer, and the two departments are gearing up for a joint conference on suicide, scheduled to be held in Nashville this August.


An analysis of Defense Department suicides in 2017 published this year found that roughly half of those who completed suicide that year had a known mental health condition and half had contact with the military health system within 90 days of their deaths.


Most were male (95%) and white (81%) and more than half had a history of deployment (57%).


According to the report, the suicide rate in 2017 among active duty troops was 21.9 deaths per 100,000 members, a slight uptick from the 2016 rate of 21.5 per 100,000, but not considered a "statistically significant" increase.


The age-adjusted civilian rate, which includes American civilians and service members, is 17.4 deaths per 100,000.