Anonymous ID: 016622 Aug. 1, 2019, 10:23 p.m. No.7305860   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Man their clip has nothing on DroneAnon Rustys

work. Up close and detailed , this just feels like an ice cream cone without ice cream.

Anonymous ID: 016622 Aug. 1, 2019, 10:31 p.m. No.7305936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5960


Anon this was placed in the notables either yesterday or the day before…. Its late and Im

forgetting what day it is. But calm down, this was

already acknowledged BIGLY

Anonymous ID: 016622 Aug. 1, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.7306037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q, this whole thing

also gave validation

to ppl like us. Those

that didn't expect what

we were being told.

Those of us who always

felt like so much shit was a lie,

felt it in our bones as everyone

around us seems so blind to the

questions that should be asked.

I think Q asking questions was the hook,

we all understand from our own lives.

We took to it easy and others started to started asking as well.

Little by little a question spreads in to a deprogramming pill.


911 = Order through chaos.

Get the ppl so scared they say yes to everything if you package it as "keeping them safe"